PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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ExamplesBACKSPACE 4BACKSPACE ( UNIT=3 )BACKSPACE ( 7, IOSTAT=IOCHEK, ERR=50 )BLOCK DATA 77The BLOCK DATA statement introduces a number of statements that initialize data values inCOMMON blocks. No executable statements are allowed in a BLOCK DATA segment.SyntaxBLOCK DATA [name][specification]END [BLOCK DATA [name]]nameis a symbol identifying the name of the block data and must be uniqueamong all global names (COMMON block names, program name,module names). If missing, the block data is given a default name.ExampleBLOCK DATACOMMON /SIDE/ BASE, ANGLE, HEIGHT, WIDTHINTEGER SIZEPARAMETER (SIZE=100)INTEGER BASE(0:SIZE)REAL WIDTH(0:SIZE), ANGLE(0:SIZE)DATA (BASE(I),I=0,SIZE)/SIZE*-1,-1/,+ (WIDTH(I),I=0,SIZE)/SIZE*0.0,0.0/ENDBYTE § 77The BYTE statement establishes the data type of a variable by explicitly attaching the name of avariable to a 1-byte integer. This overrides the implication of data typing by the initial letter of asymbolic name.SyntaxBYTE name [/clist/], ...60 Chapter 3

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