PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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[!$OMP SECTION]< Fortran code block executed by processor j >...!$OMP END SECTIONS [NOWAIT]Clauses:PRIVATE(list)SHARED(list)DEFAULT(PRIVATE | SHARED | NONE)FIRSTPRIVATE(list)LASTPRIVATE(list)REDUCTION({operator | intrinsic} : list)COPYIN (list)IF (scalar_logical_expression)The PARALLEL SECTIONS...END SECTIONS directives define a non-iterative work-sharingconstruct without the need to define an enclosing parallel region. Each section is executed by asingle processor. If there are more processors than sections, some processors will have no workand will jump to the implied barrier at the end of the construct. If there are more sections thanprocessors, one or more processors will execute more than one section.A SECTION directive may only appear within the lexical extent of the enclosing PARALLELSECTIONS...END SECTIONS directives. In addition, the code within the PARALLELSECTIONS...END SECTIONS directives must be a structured block, and the code in eachSECTION must be a structured block.The available clauses are as defined in DO...END DO and PARALELL...END PARALLELsections.8.12 ORDEREDThe OpenMP ORDERED directive is supported using the following syntax:!$OMP ORDERED< Fortran code block executed by processor >!$OMP END ORDEREDThe ORDERED directive can appear only in the dynamic extent of a DO or PARALLEL DOdirective that includes the ORDERED clause. The code block between the ORDERED...ENDORDERED directives is executed by only one thread at a time, and in the order of the loopiterations. This sequentializes the ordered code block while allowing parallel execution ofstatements outside the code block. The following additional restrictions apply to the ORDEREDdirective:OpenMP Directives for Fortran 299

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