PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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Return ValueThe return value is the same as the argument but with the trailing blanks removed. The size of thereturned string is the size of the argument STRING minus the number of trailing blanks inSTRING.UBOUND 90Returns the upper bounds of an array or the upper bound for the specified dimension.SynopsisUBOUND(ARRAY [,DIM])ArgumentsThe argument ARRAY is an array of any type. The optional argument DIM is a scalar that has thevalue of a valid dimension of the array (valid dimensions are between the values 1 and n where nis the rank of the array).Return ValueThe return value is an integer or an array of rank one and size n, where n is the rank of theargument ARRAY. If DIM is not supplied, the return value is an array with all the upper bounds forARRAY. If DIM is provided, the return value is the value of the upper bound in the specifieddimension.UNPACK 90Unpack an array of rank one dimension into an array of any number of dimensions.SynopsisUNPACK(VECTOR, MASK, FIELD)ArgumentsThe VECTOR argument is an array of any type and of rank one. It must have as many elements asthere are true elements in MASK. The MASK argument is of type logical array. The FIELDargument must be the same type as VECTOR and must be conformable with MASK.Return ValueThe result array has the same type as VECTOR and the shape of MASK. For further details andinformation on the FIELD argument, refer to The Fortran 95 Handbook.Fortran Intrinsics 247

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