PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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Synopsissubroutine idate(im, id, iy)integer im, id, iyDescriptionReturns the current date in the variables im, id, and iy, which indicate the month, day, and year,respectively. The month is in the range 1-12; only the last 2 digits of the year are returned.ierrnoGet error number.Synopsisinteger function ierrno()DescriptionReturn the number of the last detected system error.ioinitInitialize I/OSynopsissubroutine ioinit(cctl, bzro, apnd, prefix, vrbose)integer cctlinteger bzrointeger apndcharacter*(*) prefixinteger vrboseDescriptionCurrently, no action is performed.3F Functions and VAX Subroutines 267

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