PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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INTRINSIC 77An INTRINSIC statement identifies a symbolic name as an intrinsic function and allows it to beused as an actual argument.SyntaxINTRINSIC func [,func]funcis the name of an intrinsic function such as SIN, COS, etc.DescriptionDo not use any of the following functions in INTRINSIC statements:• type conversions:INT, IFIX, IDINT, FLOAT, SNGL, REAL, DBLE, CMPLX, ICHAR, CHAR• lexical relationships:LGE, LGT, LLE, LLT• values:MAX, MAX0, AMAX1, DMAX1, AMAX0, MAX1, MIN, MIN0, AMIN1, DMIN1,AMIN0, MIN1When a specific name of an intrinsic function is used as an actual argument in a program unit itmust appear in an INTRINSIC statement in that program unit. If the name used in an INTRINSICstatement is also the name of a generic intrinsic function, it retains its generic properties. Asymbolic name can appear only once in all the INTRINSIC statements of a program unit andcannot be used in both an EXTERNAL and INTRINSIC statement in a program unit.The following example illustrates the use of INTRINSIC and EXTERNAL:EXTERNAL MYOWNINTRINSIC SIN, COS..CALL TRIG (ANGLE,SIN,SINE).CALL TRIG (ANGLE,MYOWN,COTANGENT).CALL TRIG (ANGLE,COS,SINE)Fortran Statements 107

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