PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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DescriptionLogical type declaration statements may be used to dimension arrays explicitly in the same way asthe DIMENSION statement. Type declaration statements must not be labeled. Note: The data typeof a symbol may be explicitly declared only once. It is established by type declaration statement,IMPLICIT statement or by predefined typing rules. Explicit declaration of a type overrides anyimplicit declaration. An IMPLICIT statement overrides predefined typing rules.The default size of a LOGICAL variable is 4 bytes. With the -Mnoi4 option, the default size of aLOGICAL variable is 2 bytes.ExampleLOGICAL TIME, SECOND, STORE(5,5)MAP § 77A union declaration is initiated by a UNION statement and terminated by an END UNIONstatement. Enclosed within these statements are one or more map declarations, initiated andterminated by MAP and END MAP statements, respectively. Each unique field or group of fieldsis defined by a separate map declaration. Field alignment within multiple map declarations isperformed as previously defined in structure declarations.SyntaxMAPfield_declaration[field_declaration]...[field_declaration]END MAPDescriptionfield_declarationis a structure declaration or RECORD statement contained within aunion declaration, a union declaration contained within a uniondeclaration, or the declaration of a typed data field within a union.Data can be initialized in field declaration statements in union declarations. However, it is illegalto initialize multiple map declarations in a single union.The size of the shared area for a union declaration is the size of the largest map defined for thatunion. The size of a map is the sum of the sizes of the field(s) declared within it plus the spacereserved for alignment purposes.Fortran Statements 109

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