PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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IntrinsicPRODUCT_SCATTERPRODUCT_SUFFIXSUM_PREFIXSUM_SCATTERSUM_SUFFIXClassTransformational functionTransformational functionTransformational functionTransformational functionTransformational function6.4 CM Fortran Intrinsics §This section provides information on CM Fortran intrinsics. The PGHPF compiler option –Mcmfprovides limited support for CM Fortran compatibility (Thinking Machines Corporation version ofFortran). This includes support for the intrinsics DOTPRODUCT, DLBOUND, DUBOUND, andDSHAPE which have calling sequences identical to their Fortran 90/95 counterparts. It alsoincludes support for the CM Fortran method of using square brackets in the definition of arrayconstructors and the use of the ARRAY keyword in place of the Fortran 90/95 standardDIMENSION keyword.There are three CM Fortran intrinsics which have names identical to their Fortran 90/95counterparts but whose calling sequences differ. These are CSHIFT, EOSHIFT, and RESHAPE;their descriptions follow.If PGHPF is invoked with the compiler switch -Mcmf these three intrinsics will be interpretedusing the CM Fortran convention rather than the standard Fortran 90/95 convention. There are 6additional non-standard intrinsics in CM Fortran: PROJECT, LASTLOC, FIRSTLOC, RANK,DIAGONAL, and REPLICATE. These non-standard intrinsics are not supported by PGHPF.Other features of CM Fortran that are not supported are the layout directives and the utilityroutines.CSHIFT §Perform a circular shift on the specified array.SynopsisCSHIFT(ARRAY, DIM, SHIFT)ArgumentsThe argument ARRAY is the array to shift. It may be an array of any type. The argument DIM is aninteger representing the dimension to shift. The argument SHIFT is an integer or an array ofintegers with rank n-1 where n is the rank of ARRAY.Fortran Intrinsics 251

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