PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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ArgumentsThe argument SOURCE may be of any type with rank less than 7. The DIM argument is a scalarinteger representing a valid dimension (valid dimensions are between the values 1 and n where n isthe rank of the array). The argument NCOPIES must be scalar and of type integer.Return ValueThe return value is an array of the same type as the SOURCE, with rank n+1 where n is the rank ofSOURCE.SQRT 77Return the square root of the argument.SynopsisSQRT(X)ArgumentsThe argument X must be a real or complex number.Return ValueThe result is of the same type as the argument.SUM 90Returns the sum of the elements of the supplied array.SynopsisSUM(ARRAY [,DIM] [,MASK])ArgumentsThe ARRAY argument is an array of integer, real or complex type. The optional DIM argument is avalid dimension (valid dimensions are between the values 1 and n where n is the rank of the array).The optional MASK argument is of type logical and conformable with the supplied array. Fortran95 has extended SUM such that if only two arguments are supplied, the type of the secondargument is used to determine if it represents DIM or MASK.Fortran Intrinsics 243

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