PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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Synopsisinteger function getuid()DescriptionReturn the user id of the user of the process.gmtimeReturn system time.Synopsissubroutine gmtime(stime, tarray)integer stimeinteger tarray(9)DescriptionDissect the UNIX time, stime , into month, day, etc., for GMT and return in tarray.hostnmGet name of current host.Synopsisinteger function hostnm(nm)character*(*) nmDescriptionhostnm returns the name of the current host in nm. If successful, a value of zero is returned;otherwise an error occurred.idateReturn date in numerical form.266 Chapter 7

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