PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. O Format Control Octal ValuesThe O and Z field descriptors transfer octal or hexadecimal values and can be used with an integerdata type. They have the form:Ow[.m] and Zw[.m]where w specifies the field width and m indicates minimum field width on output.On input, the external field to be input must contain (unsigned) octal or hexadecimal charactersonly. An all blank field is treated as a value of zero. If the value of the external field exceeds therange of the corresponding list element, an error occurs.On output, the O and Z field descriptors transfer the octal and hexadecimal values, respectively, ofthe corresponding I/O list element, right-justified, to an external field that is w characters long. Ifthe value to be transmitted does not fill the field, leading spaces are inserted; if the value is toolarge for the field, the entire field is filled with asterisks. If m is present, the external field consistsof at least m digits, and is zero-filled on the left if necessary. Note that if m is zero, and the internalrepresentation is zero, the external field is blank-filled. P Format Specifier – Scale ControlThe P format specifierkPis the scale factor format which is applied as follows.• With F, E, D and G editing on input and F editing on output, the external numberequals the internal number multiplied by 10**k . If there is an exponent in the fieldon input, editing with F, E, D and G the scale factor has no effect.• On output with E and D editing, the basic real constant part of the number ismultiplied by 10**k and the exponent reduced by k ; with G editing the effect of thescale factor is suspended unless the size of the datum to be edited is outside therange permitted for F editing. If E editing is required, the scale factor has the sameeffect as with E output editing.The following is an example using a scale factor.DIMENSION A(6)DO 10 I = 1,610 A(I) = 25.TYPE 100,A100 FORMAT(' ',F8.2,2PF8.2,F8.2)164 Chapter 6

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