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CHARACTER ABILITIESCHARACTER ABILITIES (STRENGTH)CHARACTER ABILITIESEach and every character has six principal characteristics, the character'sabilities. These abilities are strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity,constitution, and charisma. (See also APPENDIX I, Psionic Ability.) Thes is between 3 and 18. The premise of the game iscter is above average - at least in some respects -and has superior potential. Furthermore, it is usually essential to thecharacter's survival to be exceptional (with a rating of 15 or above) in nofewer than two ability characteristics. Each ability score is determined byrandom number generation. The referee has several methods of how thisrandom number generation should be ac<strong>com</strong>plished suggested to him orher in the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE. The Dungeon Master will informyou as to which method you may use to determine your character'sabilities. The principal abilities are detailed as follows:Strength: Strength is a measure of muscle, endurance, and stamina<strong>com</strong>bined. For purposes of relating this ability to some reality, assume thata character with a strength of 3 is able to lift a maximum of 30 poundsweight above his or her head in a military press, while a character with 18strength will be able to press 180 pounds in the same manner. Strength isthe forte of fighters, for they must be physically powerful in order to weararmor and wield heavy weapons. Therefore, strength is the majorcharacteristic (or prime requisite) of fighters, and those fighters withstrength of 16 or more gain a bonus of 10% of earned experience(explained later). Furthermore, fighters with an 18 strength are entitled toroll percentile dice in order to generate a random number between 01 and00 (1 00) to determine exceptional strength; exceptional strength increaseshit probability and damage done when attacking, and it also increases theweight the character is able to carry without penalty for encumbrance, aswell as increasing the character's ability to force open doors and similarportals. The tables below give <strong>com</strong>plete information regarding the effectsof strength. Note that only fighters are permitted to roll on the exceptionalstrength section of STRENGTH TABLE II: ABILITY ADJUSTMENTS.STRENGTH TABLE 1.AbilityScore General Information345 Here or lower the chora"6 Minim'um strength for o gnome, half-orc or halflingcharacter78 Minimum strenqth for a dwarf character1213141516171818/01-5018/51-75IOIIQ-ENMinimum strength tor an assassin or paladin characterMinimum strength fora ranger characterMaximum strength possible for a femalMaximum strength possible fora femalhalf-etf or mole halfling CharacterMaximum strength possible for 011 non-fighter charactersMaximum strength possible for a female human or malegnome characterMaximum strength possible for a male elf or female half-orcmaximun strength18/91-99 Maximum strehalf-orc charac18/00 Maximum humanSTRENGTH TABLE 11.:ABILITY ADJUSTMENTSability Hit Prob- DamageabilitAdjustment-1-1nonenormalnone10-1 1normalnone12-13 normal none18/01 -50 +1 +3+2 +3Weight Open Doors Bend Bars/AllowanceOn ALift Gates-350-250-150normal 1 -2 1%normal 1-2 2 %+loo1-2 4%.n+ 2007%-r 350 10%+ 500 13Yo+7501-316%+l,OoO1-320%+ 1,2501 .-A. 25% _.1-4 30%4(1)' 35%5 (2)' 40%*The number in parentheses is the number of chances out of six for the fighter to be able to force open a locked, barred, magically held, or wizard lockeddoor, but only one attempt ever (per door) may be made, and if it fails no further attempts can succeed.Notes Regarding Strength Table It:Hit Probability adjustments refer to the score generated by dice roll inmelee <strong>com</strong>bat. Subtraction from or addition to the number rolled is madeaccording to the table as applicable. (A full listing of <strong>com</strong>bat tablesappears in the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE.)Damage Adjustment likewise applies to melee <strong>com</strong>bat. The damage doneby scoring a successful hit on an opponent is adjusted downwards orupwards as applicable. Thus, if a hit would normally score 1-6 points ofdamage upon the opponent, and the character's strength was only 3, theactual damage done would be reduced by 1 point; but, on the other hand,if the attacker had strength of 18/00, the actual damage done would beadiusted upwards by 6 hit points, and possible damage would jump from1-6 to 7-1 2.Weight Allowance is given in number of gold pieces over and above themaximum normally stated for unencumbered movement. (SeeMOVEMENT.) The conversion ratio of gold pieces to pounds of weight is 10to 1. If a character could normally carry 500 gold pieces withoutencumbrance, but the character had strength of 17 instead of the normal 8-11 range, 1,OOO gold pieces could be carried without incurring movementpenalty.Open Doors indicates the number of chances out of 6 which the characterhas of opening a stuck or heavy door on that try. Successive attempts maybe made at no penalty with regard to damage to the character attemptingto force the door open, but each such attempt requires time and makesconsiderable noise.Bend bars/lift Gates states the percentage chance the character has ofbending normal soft iron bars or of lifting a vertically moving gate (such asa small portcullis barring a passage). The attempt may be made but once,and if the score required is not made, the character will never succeed inthe task. Example: A character with 16 strength is trapped in a dead endpassoge by a set of iron bars which drop down from the ceiling when astone slab is stepped on and triggers the release of the gate. The characterfirst attempts to lift the gate, a roll of 01-10 indicating success, but thepercentile dice <strong>com</strong>e up 74, so failure is indicated. The character nextattempts to bend the bars in order to squeeze between them, thepercentage chance of success is the same as for lifting the gate, and thistime a 07 is rolled, so the character slips out and is free.9

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