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MAGIC-USER SPELLS (2ND LEVEL)ESP (Divination)Level: 2Range: %"/level, 9" maximumDuration: I round/levelArea of Effect: One creature perprobeComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When an ESP spell is used, the caster is able todetect the surface thoughts of any creatures in range - except creatureswith no mind (as we know it), such as all of the undead. The ESP is stoppedby 2 or more feet of rock, 2 or more inches of any metal other than lead, ora thin sheet of lead foil. The magic-user employing the spell is able toprobe the surface thoughts of 1 creature per turn, getting simple instinctualthoughts from lower order creatures. Probes can continue on the samecreature from round to round. The caster can use the spell to helpdetermine if some creature lurks behind a door, for example, but the ESPwill not always reveal what sort of creature it is. The material <strong>com</strong>ponentof this spell is a copper piece.Fools Gold (Alteration)Level: 2Range: I"Duration: 6 turns/levelArea of Effect: I cubic foot perlevel of the magic-userComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: I roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: Copper coins can temporarily be changed to goldpieces, or brass items turned to solid gold for the spell duration by meansof this dweomer. Note that a huge amount of copper or brass can beturned to gold by the spell - assume 4,000 g.p. are equal to a cubic footfor purposes of this spell. Any creature viewing fools gold is entitled to asaving throw which must be equal to or less than its intelligence score, butfor every level of the magic-user the creature must add 1 to his dice score,so it be<strong>com</strong>es unlikely that fools gold will be detected if it was created by ahigh level caster. If the "gold" is struck hard by an object of cold-wroughtiron, there is a slight chance it will revert to its natural state, depending onthe material <strong>com</strong>ponent used to create the "gold": if a 50 g.p. citrine ispowdered and sprinkled over the metal to be changed, the chance thatcold iron will return it to its true nature is 30%; if a 100 g.p. amber stone ispowdered, there is a 25% chance that iron will dispel the dweomer; if a500 g.p. topaz is powdered, the chance drops to 1OYo; and if a 1 ,000 g.p.oriental (corundum) topaz is powdered, there is only a 1% chance that thecold iron will reveal that it is fools gold.Forget (Enchantment/Charm)Level: 2Range: 3"Duration: PermanentArea of Effect: 2" X 2"Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: By means of this dweomer the spell caster causescreatures within the area of effect to forget the events of the previousround (1 minute of time previous to the utterance of the spell). For every 3levels of experience of the spell caster another minute of past time is forgotten.Naturally, forget in no way negates any charm, suggestions,geases, quests, or similar spells, but it is possible that the creature whocaused such magic to be placed upon the victim of a forget spell could beforgotten by this means. From 1-4 individuol creatures can be affected bythe spell, at the discretion of the caster. If only 1 is to be affected, therecipient saves versus mogic at -2 on the dice; if 2 are spell objects, theysave at -1; and if 3 or 4 ore to be made to forget by this dweomer, theysave normally. A clerical heal or restoration spell, specially cast for thispurpose, will restore the lost memories, as will a wish, but other meanswill not serve to do so.lnvisibiilty (Illusion/Phantasm)Level: 2Range: TouchDuration: SpecialArea of Effect: Creature touchedComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell causes the recipient to vanish fromsight and not be detectable by normal vision or even infravision. Ofcourse, the invisible creature is not magically silenced with respect toMAGIC-USER SPELLS (2" LEVEL)noises normal to it. The spell remains in effect until it is magically brokenor dispelled, or the magic-user or the other recipient cancels it or until he,she or it attacks any creature. Thus, the spell caster or recipient could opendoors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if any form of attack is made, theinvisible creature immediately be<strong>com</strong>es visible, although this will allowthe first attack by the creature because of the former invisibility. Even theallies of the spell recipient cannot see the invisible creature, or his, her orits gear, unless these allies can normally see invisible things or employmagic to do so. Note that all highly intelligent creatures with 10 or more hitdice, or levels of experience, or the equivalent in intelligence/dice/levelshave a chance to automatically detect invisible objects. The material<strong>com</strong>ponents of the invisibility spell are an eyelash and a bit of gum arabic,the former encased in the latter.Knock (Alteration)Level: 2Range: 6"Duration: SpecialArea of Effect: 10 squarefeet/levelComponents: VCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The knock spell will open stuck or held or wizardlockeddoors. It will also open barred or otherwise locked doors. It causessecret doors to open. The knock spell will also open locked or trickopeningboxes or chests. It will loose shackles or chains as well. If it is usedto open a wizbrd-locked door, the knock does not remove the former spell,but it simply suspends its functioning for 1 turn. In all other cases, the knockwill permanently open locks or welds - although the former could beclosed and locked again thereafter. It will not raise bars or similarimpediments (such as a portcullis). The spell will perform two functions,but if a door is locked, barred, and held, opening it will require two knockspells.Leomund's Trap (illusion/Phantasm)Level: 2Range: TouchDuration: PermanentArea of Effect: Object touchedComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 roundsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This false trap is designed to fool the dwarfand/or thief attempting to pilfer or otherwise steal the spell caster's goods.It enables the magic-user to place a dweomer upon any small mechanismor device such as a lock, hinge, hasp, screw-on cap, ratchet, etc. Anyexamination by a character able to detect traps will be 80% likely to notethe Leomund's Trap and believe it to be real. This probability reduces by4% for each level of experience of the examiner beyond the first. If thesupposed "trap" is then to be removed, it is only 20% likely that thecreature attempting it will believe he or she has succeeded, +4%probability per level of experience of the remover. Of course, the spell isillusory, nothing will happen if the trap is ignored, and its primary purposeis to frighten away thieves or make them waste precious time. Thematerial <strong>com</strong>ponent of the spell is a piece of iron pyrite touched to theobject to be "trapped". Only one Leomund's Trap may be placed within a50' by 50' area.levitate (Alteration)Level: 2Range: 2"AevelDuration: I turnNevelArea of Effect: SpecialComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.explanation/description When a levitate spell is cast, the magic-user canplace it upon his or her person, or upon some other creature, subject to amaximum weight limit of 1,000 gold pieces equivalence per level ofexperience, Le., a third level magic user can levitate up to 300 pounds(3,000 g.p.) maximum. If the spell is cast upon the person of the magicuser,he or she can move vertically at a rate of 20' per round. If cast uponanother creature, the magic-user can levitate it at a maximum verticalmovement of 10' per round. Horizontal movement is not empowered bythis spell, but the recipient could push along the face of a cliff, forexample, to move laterally. The spell caster can cancel the spell asdesired. If the recipient of the spell is unwilling, that creature is entitled toa saving throw to determine if the levitate spell affects it. The material<strong>com</strong>ponent of this spell is either a small leather loop or a piece of goldenwire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on one end.70

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