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BARDSNotes Regarding Bards Table I:Experience Points are strictly those gained as a bard, all previously earnedare not considered here.Experience level is likewise that of the bard class only. There is no levelbeyond the 23rd. The bard gains druidic powers as a druid of the samelevel, with the exception of druidic spells as explained below.6-sided Dice for Accumulated Hit Points shows an asterisk after the initial"0" to indicate that the bard has as many hit dice as he or she haspreviously earned as a fighter (plus the possible addition of those earnedas a thief if that class level exceeds the class level of fighter). All bard hitdice (and additional hit points) are additions to existing hit dice - noneare lost for be<strong>com</strong>ing a bard.Number of Spells by Druid Spell level shows the number and level of druid(cleric) spells which the bard is able to use during one day. The bardselects which spells he or she wishes to have for that day (praying to see ifhis god will grant them) and casts them exactly as a druid of that levelwould, but never beyond the 12th level of druid ability until the 23rd levelis reached. 23rd level bards cast their spells at 13th level druid ability.Bards con read scrolls which contain druid spells.Bards Table II:AdditionalLegend Lore andLevel of Languages Charm Item KnowledgeExperience College Known Percentage Percentage1 (Probationer) 0"2 Fochlucan 03 Fochlucan 04 Foch I ucan 1 24% 10%5 Mac-Fuirmidh 0 30% 13%Mac-0%5%0%10 Doss 1 44% 35%11 Ca no ith 0 50% 40%17 Anstruth 0 70% 70%18 Anstruth 1 73% 75%ano,.19 Anstruth 1 76%OU 11120 Ollamh 1 80%85%21 Ollomh 1 84%90%22 Ollamh 1 88% 95%23 MagnaAlumnae 1 95% 99%Notes Regarding Bards Table II:College is the important distinction to a bard, and he or she will notassociate with a bard of a lesser college. The exception to this rule are theMagna Alumnae who will happily aid (by advice and suggestion) anyother bard of any level.Additional languages Known shows the number of new languages thecharacter gains upon achieving each level. Unlike other characters, thebard need not study to learn these new tongues - this is subsumed asprevious work. The asterisk at 1st level is there to indicate that thecharacter already knows certain languages from previous classes.Charm Percentage is the chance the bard has of successfully casting acharm person (or charm monster) spell with his or her music. Thischarming ability does not negate any immunities or the saving throwversus magic.legend lore and Item Knowledge Percentage shows the chance that theBARDSbard has of knowing something about a legendary person, place or thingor of knowing what a particular magic item is. The latter ability is limited toweapons, armor, potions, scrolls, and those items of magical nature whichthe bard can employ or which bear magical inscriptions; for a11 bards knowrunes, glyphs, characters, symbols, etc. Naturally, any knowledge gainedby bards while in their former classes is also retained at all levels.Bards Table 111: Armor and Weapons PermittedArmor Shield Weapons* Oil Poisonleather or none club, dagger, yes nevermagical dart, javelin, (except bychainmail sling, scimiter, neutral evilonly spear, staff, bards)sword*'*includes any magical weapons of the named type**bastard, broad, long, shortBARDSA bard always engages in <strong>com</strong>bat at the level he or she attained as afighter. A bard is able to function as a thief of the level previouslyattained. All saving throws are made an the most favorable table, with theactual bard level considered as that of a druid. He or she must always havea stringed instrument.The bard's poetic ability raises the morale of associated creatures by 10%.It likewise can inspire ferocity in attack, so hit probability die rolls aregiven a bonus of +l. Both of these characteristics require 2 rounds ofpoetics to inspire the desired effect, i.e. 2 rounds of poetics will raisemorale and cause ferocity, but 1 round will do neither. The effects last for 1<strong>com</strong>plete turn. Note that while engaged in this activity, the bard canengage in melee <strong>com</strong>bat but not in any singing or spell casting.A bard's singing and playing negates the song effects of harpies andprevents similar attacks which rely upon song. It will likewise still the noiseof shriekers, far these creatures are soothed by the vibrations of the bard'sinstrument.The singing and playing of the bard likewise has a chance of charmingmost creatures. Creatures within 4" of the bard must be diced for if theyare not already associated with the bard and those possibly affected (SeeTable II) must save versus magic or be charmed and sit entranced whilethe bard sings. Note that even those creatures not charmed will listen tothe bard's singing and playing for 1 full round. Charmed creatures aresubject to suggestion (as if it were the spell of that name) from the bard,and if the bard implants a suggestion in his singing, the charmed creaturesmust save versus magic at -2 on their dice rolls or be subject to the fullimpact of the suggestion. Those which save are totally free of the bard'smusical charming, however. The charming can be attempted on the samecreature but once per day. Loud noise or physical attack will immediatelynegate charming, but not suggestion.Due to training, a bard has knowledge of many legendary and magicalitems after 1st level of experience, and this knowledge increases as thebard progresses upwards in level. If some legendary knowledge isappropriate and the dice score indicates that the bard has knowledge inthe area, then his or her ability will deliver information similar to themagic-user spell, legend lore (q.v.). Without actually touching an item, thebard also has a like chance of determining its magical properties andalignment. This latter ability is limited to:armormisc. weaponsmisc. magic items- if usable bya druid, fighter or thief*potionsringsrods et 01.- if usable by a druid, fighter or thief*scrollsswords*unless inscribed with magical writing, in which case the bard can readwhat is written at the very leastArtifacts and relics are legendary in nature and not considered asmiscellaneous magic items.Except as previously noted, bards are able to use magic items which arepermitted to druids, fighters and thieves. Magical books/librams/tomeswhich pertain to druids, fighters, or thieves are also beneficial (or baneful)to bards, and these items can raise fighting or thieving ability of a bardbeyond the norm. (If a writing is baneful, treat the bard as the least118

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