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PSIONICSPSIONICSpsionics in the area are given 1-2 by an Intellect Fortress, +6 by a Towerof iron Will, on saving throws versus Psionic Blast.If oll defense points are expended, the individual has NO defense and canbe attacked on a special <strong>com</strong>bat table which offers the possibility ofstunning, mental wounding or crippling, and death as well os loss ofpsionic strength points.PSlONlC DISCIPLINESThe psionically endowed character determines how many disciplines he orshe is able to exercise by use of the following table (one roll of percentiledice):Dioscorer- --41 -5556-7071 -80-. _.Number of Disciplines3 1Once the number of disciplines possessed is known, the characterdetermines by random die rolling which disciplines he or she knows. If thesame one is indicated a second time, simply re-roll until a different one isindicated. Only a few ore excluded to certain classes. Only one discipline(minor) can immediately be gained, with one additional discipline (allminor first) gained with the acquisition of each 2 additional levels ofexperience in the character's profession.Note that the employment of these powers costs psionic strength points,the equivalent of 1 point each of attack and defense points.TABLE OF PSlONlC DISCIPLINESArea of Effect: I" wide directionalPathExplanation/Description: This discipline allows the possessor to<strong>com</strong>municate with various forms of living things, the type of animal lifeand the range determined by the level of mastery of the possessor. Animaltelepathy allows clear <strong>com</strong>munication but no <strong>com</strong>mand or influencebeyond the possessor's own persuasiveness. The discipline operates asfollows:levelof mastery Rangefirstthirdfifthsixthseventheighthtenthtwelfthfourteenth +6" + I"/level5" + I"/level3" + l"/level2" + I"/level1" + l"/level1 "/level2" + 1"/2levels1 " + 1 "/2 levels1"/2 levelsType of Animal Lifewhich can be Communicated withmammalsmarsupials, et. 01.aviansreptilesamphibiansfish and similar creaturesarachnids and myriapodae"monsters"plantsSearch for creatures can be made at the rate of one path of area (1" widthX range) per round.Body EquilibriumRange: 0Duration: Time of concentrationArea of Effect: IndividualStrength Paint Cost: ]/roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This discipline allows the user to adjust theweight of his or her body to correspond with the surface upon which he orshe is. Thus, the possessor can walk upon water, quicksand, mud orwhatever. With respect to falling, this discipline has the effect of themagic-user spell, feather fall (q.v.).Body WeaponryMinor (Devotions) (d12, d6)Major (Sciences)(d20)Range: 0Duration: Time of concentrationArea of Effect: IndividualStrength Point Cost: I/roundSaving Throw: None4. Cell Adjustment Dimension Door5. Clairaudience Dimension Walk6. Clairvoyance Energy Control7. Detection of Good or Evil Etherealness8. Detection of MagicMoss Domination (excludes thieves)9. Domination (excludes thieves) Mind Bor10. Empathy (excludes fighters)11. ESPMolecular ManipulationMolecular Rearrangement17. Molecular Agitation Teleportation18. Object Reading (excludes Shape Alterationthieves)22. Suspend Animation *Consult vour referee for his ruling23. Roll again (or select one*) on this.24. Roll again (or select one*)The level of mastery of any discipline equals the level of experience of thecharacter who possesses it unless otherwise specified.MINOR DEVOTIONSAnimal TelepathyRange: SpecialDuration: Time of ConcentrationStrength Point Cost: ]/roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The body weaponry discipline allows thepossessor to use his or her body as both weapon and armor by altering themolecules in the body as needed. The table below shows the equivalentarmor class and weapon according to the level of mastery. Note the classdistinctions:levelof Masteryfirstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfth +Armor Class for WeaponCleric Fighter Thief Equivalont9 9 9 club8 8 8 dagger7 7 7 axe, hand6 6 7 mace5 5 6 axe, battle4 4 5 morning-star*3 3 5 sword, broad3 2 4 sword, long2 1 4 sword, long + 1 **2 1 3 sword, long +21 0 3 sword, long +31 0 2 sword, long +4maximum weapon equivalent for a thief'* maximum weapon equivalent for a clericIf the psionic wears armor and uses weapons, the body weaponry factorsdo not apply during that period, but are not otherwise affected.Cell AdjustmentRange: 0Duration: PermanentArea of Effect: Creature touchedStrength Point Cost: SpecialSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: By means of psionic attunement to the cells of anI111

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