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CHARACTER CLASSES (CLERIC)CHARACTER CLASSES (DRUID)the clericAs has been stated previously in the section detailing CHARACTERABILITIES, the principal attribute of a cleric is wisdom. A character musthave a minimum wisdom ability score of 9 (13 if a multi-classed half-elvencleric but 9 if a multi-classed half-orc cleric). If wisdom ability is greaterthan 15, the character adds 10% to experience (9.v.) awarded to him orher by the referee. Example: A cleric character gains an award of 975experience points from the DM after a successful adventure. Because thecharacter has a wisdom ability score in excess of 15, he or she then adds 98experience points (975 X .10 = 97.5, or 98 E.P.) to the 975, for a total of1,073 E.P. Of course, a cleric will benefit in other ways by having a highwisdom score. He or she gains bonus spells from high wisdom, as well as abetter chance to avoid the effects of certain magical attacks.High ability scores in strength and constitution are also desirable for acharacter of this class, and good dexterity is likewise of benefit.This class of character bears a certain resemblance to religious orders ofknighthood of medieval times. The cleric has an eight-sided die (d8) perlevel to determine how many hit points (q.v.) he or she has. The cleric isdedicated to a deity, or deities, and at the same time a skilled <strong>com</strong>batantat arms. The cleric can be of any alignment (q.v.) save (true) neutral (seeDruid hereafter) alignment, depending upon that of the deity the clericserves. All clerics have certain holy symbols which aid them and givepower to their spells. All are likewise forbidden to use edged and/orpointed weapons which shed blood. All clerics have their own spells,bestowed upon them by their deity for correct and diligent prayers anddeeds.A study of the spells usable by clerics (see CHARACTER SPELLS) will conveythe main purpose of the cleric. That is, the cleric serves to fortify, protect,and revitalize. The cleric also has a limited number of attack spells,some of which are simply the reverse form of curative incantations. Notethat all spells must be spoken or read aloud. In addition, the cleric has theability to wear armor, carry effective weaponry, and engage inhand-to-hand (melee) <strong>com</strong>bat with a reasonable chance of success.Another important attribute of the cleric is the ability to turn away (oractually <strong>com</strong>mand into service) the undead and less powerful demons andconstruction will be only one-half the usual for such a place because ofreligious help. If the cleric then clears the surrounding territory andhumans dwell in this area, there will be a monthly revenue of 9 silverpieces per inhabitant from trade, taxation, and tithes.CLERICS TABLE I8-sideddice forexperience experience accumulated levelPoints level Hit Points title0-1,500 1 1 Acolyte1,501--3,000 2 2 Adept3,0016,000 3 3 Priest6.001--13,000 4 4 Curate13,001-27,500 5 527,501-55.000 6 6 Canon55,001-1 10,OOO 7 7 Lama110.001 -225,000 8 8 Patriarch225,001450,000 9 9 High Priest450,001675,000 10 9+2 High Priest (10th level)675,001--900,000 11 9+4 High Priest (1 lth level)225,000 experience points per level for each additional level beyond the11 th.Clerics gain 2 h.p. per level after the 9th.SPELLS USABLE BY CLASS AND LEVEL-CLERICSclericspell levellevel 1 2 3 4 5 6 71 12 23 2 14 3 25 3 3 1devils. 6 3 3 27 3 3 2 1The undead are: ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, liches, mummies, shadows, 8 3 3 3 2skeletons, spectres, wights, wroiths, vampires, and zombies. These 9 4 4 3 2 1creatures, as well as demons and devils. are detailed in ADVANCED in .- A - A - " 7 " 7 3DUNGEONS DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL. The matrix showing what 11 5 4 4 3 2 1*effect clerics of various levels have upon such creatures is for use by the 12 6 5 5 3 2 2Dungeon Master only. As a rule of thumb, a cleric is effective against anyundeod monster whose hit dice are not greater than those of the cleric.Only high level clerics have any hope of driving away or influencingdemons or devils. 16 7 7 7 6 5 3 1 **17 8 8 8 6 5 3 1Onlv humans will normallv hove clericism as their sole class: thus thev are 18 .- 8 8 R 7 b - A 1the only clerics with unlimited advancement in level. 19 9 9 9 7 6 4 2m 9 9 9 8 7 5 2Clerics have nearly as good a prospect of success in melee <strong>com</strong>bat as 21 9 9 9 9 8 6 2, .fighters (the best in such situations). They move upwards in <strong>com</strong>bat ability 22~~9 9 9 9 9 6 3in- steps consisting of three ability levels. similarly they make saving 23 9 9 9 9 9 7 3.. , " ., -. - "throws la.v.\ aaainst moaical and poison attacks in like steps 74 0 0 0 0 0 R 725 9 9 9 9 9 8 4Clerics can employ a fair number of magic items including most potions; 26 9 9 9 9 9 9 4clerical and "protection" scrolls; most rings; some wonds, rods, and 27 9 9 9 9 9 9 5staves; many other magical items; and all of the non-edged, non-pointed 28 9 9 9 9 9 9 6magical weaponry. As they are able to wear armor, clerics can employ all 29 9 9 9 9 9 9 7forms of magic armor and magic shields, too.When a cleric achieves 8th level (Patriarch or Matriarch) he or sheautomatically attracts followers if the cleric establishes a place of worship-a building of not less than 2,000 square feet in floor area with an altar,shrine, chapel, etc. These followers are fanatically loyal and serve withoutpay so long as the cleric does not change deities and/or alignment. Thesefollowers number between 20 and 200 (2d10, totaled, and multiplied by10). In addition, there will be followers who are men-at-arms (q.v.), andyour referee will relay the types and numbers at the appropriate time.Upon reaching 9th level (High Priest or High Priestess), the cleric has theoption of constructing a religious stronghold. This fortified place mustcontain a large temple, cathedral, or church of not less than 2500 squarefeet on the ground floor. It can be a castle, a monastery, an abbey or thelike. It must be dedicated to the cleric's deity (or deities). The cost of20*Usable only by clerics of 17 or greater wisdom**Usable only by clerics of 18 or greater wisdomTho DruidThe druid is a sub-class of clerics. They are the only absolute neutrals (seeALIGNMENT), viewing good and evil, law and chaos, as balancing forcesof nature which are necessary for the continuation of all things. As priestsof nature, they must have a minimum wisdom of 12 and a charisma of 15.Both of these major attributes must exceed 15 if a druid is to gain a 10%bonus to earned experience.It will be noted that the spells usable by druids are more attuned to natureand the outdoors than are the spells of other clerics or magic-users.

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