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CHARACTER CLASSES (MONK)1. At 11th and higher levels of experience monks are notaffected by poison of any type.J.K.Geas and quest spells have no effect upon monks of 12th orhigher level.The last ability gained, and perhaps the most terrible power, isthat fabled attack which enables the monk to set up vibrationsin the body of the victim, and the monk can then control suchvibrations so as to cause death to occur when the monk stopsthem. Known as the "quivering palm", the monk merelytouches his victim to set up the deadly vibrations. The victimcan be virtually any creature. This power is limited as follows:1. It can be attempted but once per week, and the monkmust touch the intended victim within 3 melee roundsor the power is drained for one week.CHARACTER CLASSES (MULTI-CLASSES)loser of these <strong>com</strong>bats loses enough experience points to place him orher at the lowest number possible to attain the level just beneath thenew level. The monk character will know where to locate the higherlevel monks; and he or she must proceed immediately to do <strong>com</strong>bat orelse lose experience points equal to the number which will place himor her at the lowest number possible to have attained the level just beneaththat of the monk he or she should have sought out but did not.That is, the player character drops to 7th level in the above case andmust then work upwards once again.Followers: When a monk player character attains the 8th level ofexperience, he or she will gain a number of monks as followers upondefeating the monk which held the 8th level position that the playercharacter has now gotten. He or she will attract from 2-5 1st level monks ifthe player character has a monastery or monastery-like building to use asa headquarters. These followers may be worked upwards in levels ofexperience. The player character will attract 1 or 2 additional monks of 1stlevel for each additional level of experience the player gains.2.3.It has no affect on the undead or creatures which canbe hit only by magical weaponry.The victim cannot have more hit dice than the monkusing the power, and in any event, the total hit points ofthe victim cannot exceed those of the monk by morethan 200%, or the power has no effect.While followers of a monk are as loyal as his or her other henchmen, theyautomatically leave service when they attain the level of Superior Master(7th).All followers will be of the exact same alignment as the monk playercharacter. If he or she changes alignment, the current followers willdesert, but new ones can still be gained by advancement in level.4.The <strong>com</strong>mand to die (the control of the vibrations) mustbe given by the monk within a set time limit, or else thevibrations simply cease of their own accord and do nodamage whatsoever. The time limit of death <strong>com</strong>mandis one day per level of experience the monk has gainedat the time the power is used.There are a number of strictures which monk characters must abide by.These restrictions apply to 1) armor and weapons, 2) treasure, 3) magicitems usable, 4) strength ability adjustments, 5) henchmen, and 6)advancement in level, asfollows:, as previously stated, cannot be worn. Weapons usable bymonk characters are shown on CHARACTER CLASSES TABLE II;weapons not listed cannot be used.Monks, much like paladins (q.v.), may not retain more than a smallfraction of whatever treasure they gain. A monk may possess no morethan two magic weapons and three other magic items (see 3 below)at any time. While monks may retain money sufficient for theirmodest needs, and to support their henchmen (see 5 below), a11 othertreasure and excess magic items must be bestowed upon (non player)religious institutions. (See also Followers hereafter.)Magic items usable by monks include all magical varieties ofweapons listed (unless proscribed), rings, and those miscellaneousmagic items which are usable by thieves. No other magic items of anysort may be employed by monks.Monks do not gain any bonuses, either with respect to increasing "tohit" probability or to increase hit points of damage, for strengthability.The monastery or monastery-like headquarters of the monk can be that ofthe character he or she defeated to attain 8th or higher level, or it can be abuilding specially constructed by the monk player character after attaining8th or higher level. In the latter case, the monk may retain up to 250,000gold pieces value in treasure in order to finance construction of the place.He or she may also retain sufficient funds thereafter to maintain such aplace.Note that monk followers require no support, upkeep, or pay of any sort.The Multi-Classed CharacterThe game assumes that only non- or semi-human characters can bemulti-classed, and only certain class <strong>com</strong>binations are possible, dependingon the race of the character. Although these are listed in the sectiondealing with each race of character, multi-class character possibilities arealso shown below in order to aid in selection of your character's class ormulti-class. Cleric <strong>com</strong>binapions (with fighter types) may use edgedweapons.Cleric/Fighter: This <strong>com</strong>bination is strong in defensive and revitalizationcapabilities, plus the offensive missile and melee <strong>com</strong>bat power of thefighter. Hit points average will be good. Half-elves and half-orcs may becleric/fighters.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-user: One of the best of the multi-class options, thisgives good offensive and defensive spell capability plus the fighter'smelee <strong>com</strong>bat strength. Half-elves may be cleric/fighter/magic-users.Cleric/Ranger: See cleric/fighter above. This <strong>com</strong>bination is potent in outdoorsituations as well. Half-elves may be cleric/rangers.5.6.Until attaining the rank of Master, monks may not have any hirelingsor henchmen at all. At 6th level of experience, monks may hirepersons on a short-duration basis - for the duration of a singleadventure only. At this level, they may also acquire up to twohenchmen. Henchmen may be fighters (but not paladins nor rangers),thieves, or assassins. With each level of experience above the 6thwhich the monk attains, he or she may add one additional henchman,until the maximum number established by the monk's charisma scoreis reached. Monks will gain followers upon attaining 8th level; this isdiscussed hereafter.There can be only a limited number of monks above 7th level (SuperiorMaster). There are three 8th level (Master of Dragons) and but oneof each higher level. When a player character monk gains sufficientexperience points to qualify him or her for 8th level, the<strong>com</strong>mensurate abilities are attained only temporarily. The monk mustfind and defeat in single <strong>com</strong>bat, hand-to-hand, without weapons ormagic items, one of the 8th level monks - the White, the Green, orthe Red. The same must be done at the ninth and higher levels. TheCleric/Magic-user: This <strong>com</strong>bination gives the character a great varietyand selection of spells, as well as the use of armor and more weapons. Hitpoints are somewhat better than those of the magic-user class alone.Half-elves may be cleric/magic-users.Cleric/thief: This is a <strong>com</strong>bination of classes which gives both defensiveand stealth potential. Hit points are improved with regard to the thief classonly. As with all thief class <strong>com</strong>binations, however, any functions as a thiefare under the restrictions of that class with regard to armor, i.e. onlyleather armor and no shield. Half-orcs may be cleric/thieves.Cleric/Assassin: Seemingly strange, this <strong>com</strong>bination is quiteunderstandable when the race which can operate in these two classes atthe same time is noted. The <strong>com</strong>bination gives great potential in defensiveand stealth situations and very powerful assassination attack capabilities.Hit points are good because of clerical hit dice. Half-orcs may be clericalassassins.Fighter/Magic-user: Obviously, this <strong>com</strong>bination allows excellent armor32

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