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PSIONICSPSIONICSExplanation/Description: Probability travel is a form of astral projection,but it actually brings the body of the probability traveller, and possibly 1 ormore others, to the planes outside the prime Material. When this science isexercised, the individual is able to cross into parallel worlds or variousplanes, including those normally reached by the Ethereal Plane, as thatplane can be reached and then used to get to those it touches upon. Thecost is 10 strength points per world or plane entered or crossed. At 5th levelof mastery the possessor can bring up to 2 other persons with him or her atan additional strength point expenditure of 5 points per person per worldor plane; and at 10th level up to 8 other persons can be brought along at acost of 2 points apiece. Note that this form of travel does offer the hazardof ending up in a place not desired. There is a basic 20% chance at 1stlevel of mastery, and the risk declines at 1 % per level thereafter.TelekinesisRange: 3" + l"/level of masteryDuration: SpecialArea of Effect: SpecialStrength Point Cost: 3/roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This ability resembles the magic-user spelltelekinesis (q.v.). The psionic individual is able to use the science tomentally move (telekinese) objects weighing up to a maximum of 30 goldpiece weight equivalence, cumulative, per level of mastery, i.e. 30 g.p.weight at 1st level of mastery, 90 g.p. (30 + 60) at 2nd, 180 g.p. (30 + 60+ 90) at 3rd. 300 g.p. (30 + 60 + 90 + 120) at 4th, 450 g.p. (30 + 60 + 90+ 120 + 150) at 5th etc. Duration is a function of the psionic strength ofthe individual. The object to be telekinesed must be in clear sight of thepsionically endowed individual.Telempathic ProjectionRange: 1"Duration: 7 round/level of masteryArea of Effect: I" wide pathStrength Point Cost: SpecialSaving Throw: SpecialExplanation/Description: This science is similar to the devotion of empathy(q.v.). However, the possessor is able to send an emotion et. al.TelepathyRange: SpecialDuration: Time of ConcentrationArea of Effect: SpecialStrength Point Cost: I/roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This discipline allows the possessor to <strong>com</strong>municatemind-to-mind with any other creature with intelligence of 5 orgreater. This obviates the need for knowledge of the language of thecreature. The creature to be <strong>com</strong>municated with must be in sight or bewell-known mentally by the possessor of this science. In the latter casedistance is not a factor as long as the telepath and the receiver are on thesame plane of existence and not separated by distances greater than186,OOO miles (1 light second). Telepathic waves can traverse greaterdistances only if all individuals involved are telepathic. Note thatmultiple-mind <strong>com</strong>munications by telepathy are possible. While normal<strong>com</strong>munications are possible, no special form of influence is gained by theexercise of telepathy.Telepathic ProjectionRange: SpecialDuration: Time of ConcentrationArea of Effect: SpecialStrength Point Cost: SpecialSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: Telepathic projection enables both telepathic<strong>com</strong>munication, but only with other creatures endowed with telepathy orESP (6. Telepathy), and telepathic suggestion. The former is ac<strong>com</strong>plishedat a strength point cost which is identical to telepathy (q.v.)The latter allows the possessor to either implant a suggestion (exactly asper the spell of the same name) in one or more creatures' minds orattempt to actually possess the mind of a single creature. The influencefunction of telepathic projection requires that all creatures contacted bewithin sight range of the psionic individual, or within a distance equal to6" + l"/level/level of the individual if the minds are known. (Thus, 7" at1st level, 9" at 2nd level, 12" at 3rd level, etc. - 6 + 1,6 + 1 + 2,6 + 1+ 2 + 3, 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, and so on.) Likewise, the number of116creatures influenced is based on the level of mastery, being 1 IeveVhit dieof creatures per level of the psionic, cumulative, i.e. 1 IeveVhit die at 1stlevel, 3 levels/hit dice at 2nd. 6 levels at 3rd, etc. The cost for influence isdependent upon which tack is taken. Suggestion requires 1 point perlevellhit die for contoct, 1 point per IeveVhit die for implantation of thesuggestion. Possession requires 2 points for every point of intelligence,and 1 for every point of wisdom ond chorisma, of the creature to bepossessed. All influence is subject to the right of the influenced to make asaving throw versus magic, and if this is successful, neither suggestion norpossession are successful.Shape AlterationRange: 0Duration: Until again alteredArea of Effect: IndividualStrength Point Cost: SpecialSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The science of shape alteration closelyresembles the magic-user spell, polymorph self. The reader is referred tothat spell for informational purposes. By means of this discipline, theindividual is able to alter his or her body size, form and <strong>com</strong>position tonearly any other, the garments and equipment he or she wears and carriesbeing altered to conform to parts of the new body shape assumed. Notethat shape alteration bestows the normal meons of respiration andlo<strong>com</strong>otion of the new form ossumed, ond strength proportionate to thesize and characteristics, but no other characteristics peculiar to a certainlife form are thus gained, i.e. assuming the shape of a red dragon does notallow the individuol a fiery breath weapon. Note olso that the new shapemight preclude the use of weapons, spells, etc. The strength point cost forshape alteration is 3 points, plus any of the following additional costs:Alterationeach +/-1,OOOin a bodyg.p. weight equivalentStrength Point Costvegetable material to animal i/100g.p. weightequivolentmaterial or vice versa*mineral material to vegetablemoterial or vice versa'mineral material to animal materialor vice versa'1/1,ooO g.p. weight equivalent2/100g.p. weight equivalent3/100 g.p. weight equivalentincludes alteration of garments and equipment if any class exceeds 50g.p. weight.Example: The psionic individual wishes to make a shape alteration tobe<strong>com</strong>e a red dragon. The individual is a fighter wearing/carrying 200 g.p.weight equivalent of vegetable material and 500 g.p. weight equivalent ofmineral moterial. The lotter add 19 points of psionic strength costs to thebasic cost of 3, or 19 + 3 = 22. The dragon size desired is assumed to beabout 5 tons, or 10,000 pounds, or 100,OOO g.p. weight equivalent. Thismeans that 100 psionic strength points ore required here, and the total costfor the whole alteration is 122 points. Assuming the individual has thisstrength, the equipment et al. would be<strong>com</strong>e parts of the dragon shapethearmor scales, weapons claws, etc.TeleportationRange: 0Duration: InstantaneousArea of Effect: Individual + specialStrength Point Cost: 20Saving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This discipline is very similar to the magic-userspell, teleport (q.v.). The only major difference is that psionic energypoints must be expended to use the power. Also, if points above therequired 20 are expended, the psionic individual is able to alter thepercentage probabilities of mis-teleporting (<strong>com</strong>ing in too low or too high)by 1% per additional psionic strength point expended either to correct lowand/or high mis-teleporting.PSiONlC COMBATDuring psionic <strong>com</strong>bat the creatures involved can engage in no otheractivity. The procedure is as follows: Combatants select their defensemodes, attack modes, and opponent (if multiple creatures per side areinvolved). This information is recorded, and the defenses and attacks are

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