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ILLUSIONIST SPELLS (IST LEVEL)area of air before the illusionist. Any gaze attack, such as that of a basiliskor a meduso, will be reflected back upon the gazer if it looks upon thespell caster.Hypnotism (Enchantment/Charm)Level: IRange: 3"Duration: I round + I round/levelArea of Effect: One to six creaturesComponents: V,SCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: The gestures of the illusionist, along with his orher droning incantotion, cause from 1 to 6 creatures to be<strong>com</strong>e susceptibleto suggestion (see the third level magic-user suggestion spell). Thesuggestion must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast, and until thattime the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequentsuggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging. Creatures whichmake their soving throw are not under hypnotic influence.light (Alteration)ILLUSIONIST SPELLS (2ND LEVEL)fhe outline of his or her form to be<strong>com</strong>e blurred, shifting and wavery. Thisdistortion causes all missile and melee <strong>com</strong>bat attacks to be made at -4 onthe first attempt and -2 on all successive attacks. It also allows a + 1 on thesaving throw die roll for any direct magical attack.Deafness (Illusion/Phantasm)level: 2Range: 6"Duration: SpecialArea of Effect: One creatureComponents: V,S,MCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: The deofness spell causes the recipient creatureto be<strong>com</strong>e totally deaf and unable to hear ony sounds (cf. blindness). Thisdeafness can be done away with only by means of a dispel magic or bythe spell caster. The victim is allowed a saving throw. The material<strong>com</strong>ponent of the spell is beeswax.Detect Magic (Divination)Level: IRange: 6"Duration: I turn/levelArea of Effect: 2" radius globeComponents: V,S,Casting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneLevel: 2Range: 0Duration: 2 round/levelArea of Effect: I" path, 6" longComponents: V,SCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell is the same as the first level magic-userlight spell (q.v.) (cf. first level cleric light spell.)Phantasmal Force (illusion/Phantasm)Level: IRange: 6" + I"/levelDuration: SpecialArea of Effect: 4 square" + I"square/l eve1Components: V,S,MCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: SpecialExplanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same asthe third level magic-user spell, phantasmal force (9.v.).Wall Of Fog (Alteration)Level: IRange: 3"Duration: 2-8 rounds + 1round/levelArea of Effect: SpecialComponents: V,S,MCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: By costing this spell, the illusionist creates a wallof misty vapors in whatever area within the spell range he or she desires.The wall of fog obscures all sight, normal and/or infrovisuol, beyond 2'.The area of effect is a cube of 2" per side per level of experience of thespell caster. The misty vapors persist for 3 or more rounds unless blownaway by a strong breeze (cf. gust of wind). The material <strong>com</strong>ponent is apinch of split dried peas.Second level Spells:Blindness (Illusion/Phantasm)Level: 2Range: 3"Duration: SpecialArea of Effect: One creatureComponents: VCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the first level cleric and thefirst level magic-user spell, detect magic (qq.v.).Fag Cloud (Alteration)Level: 2Range: I"Duration: 4 rounds + I round/levelArea of Effect: 4" wide, 2" high, 2"deep cloudComponents: V,SCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The fog cloud is a billowing mass of misty vaporswhich is of similar appearance to a cloudkill (q.v.), the fog being greenish.The spell caster creates the fog cloud and it moves away from him or her ata 1" per round rote. Although it behaves in most respects iust as if it were acloudkill, the only effect of the fog is to obscure vision, iust as o wall of fogdoes.Hypnotic Pattern (illusion/Phantasm)Level: 2Range: 0Duration: SpecialArea of Effect: 3" X 3" square areaComponents: S,MCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast the illusionist creates aweaving, turning pattern of subtle colors in the air. This hypnotic patternwill cause any creature looking at it to be<strong>com</strong>e fascinated and standgazing ot it as long as the spell caster continues to maintain the shiftinginterplay of glowing lines. Note that the spell can captivate a maximum of24 levels, or hit dice, of creatures, i.e. 24 creatures with 1 hit die each, 12with 2 hit dice, etc. All creatures affected must be within the area of effect,and each is entitled to o saving throw. The illusionist need not utter asound, but he or she must gesture appropriately while holding a glowingstick of incense or a crystal rod filled with phosphorescent material.Improved Phantasmal Force (Illusion/Phantasm)Explanation/Description: The blindness spell causes the recipient creatureto be<strong>com</strong>e blind and able to see only a grayness before its eyes. Variouscure spells will not remove this effect, and only a dispel magic or the spellcaster con do away with the blindness if the creature fails its initial savingthrow versus the spell.Level: 2Range: 6" + I"/levelDuration: SpeciolArea of Effect: 4 square" + I"square/leve IComponents: V,S,MCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: SpeciolBlur (Illusion/Phantasm)Level: 2Range: 0Duration: 3 rounds + I round/levelArea of Effect: The illusionistComponents: V,SCasting Time: 2 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When a blur spell is cast, the illusionist causesExplanation/Description: Except as noted above, and as detailedhereafter, this spell is the same as the third level magic-user phantasmalforce spell (q.v.). The spell caster can maintain the illusion with minimalconcentration, i.e. he or she can move at half normal speed (but not costother spells). Some minor sounds are included in the effects of the spell,but not understandable speech. Also, by concentration on the form of thephantasm, the improved phantosmol force will continue for 2 rounds afterthe illusionist ceases to concentrate upon the spell.95

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