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CHARACTER CLASSES (ASSASSIN)An assassin character cannot have any hirelings until he or she attains 4thlevel; at that time lower level assassins may be taken into service. Uponattaining 8th level, the character may also include thieves amongst his orher hirelings. Upon attaining 12th level, the character may hire any classdesired. Of course, only neutral or evil characters will serve an assassin.The total number of henchmen is that dictated by the character's charismascore. "Followers" are also possible, but these <strong>com</strong>e only at the twouppermost levels of the assassin class.In order for an assassin character to gain experience levels above the 13th(Prime Assassin), he or she must have the requisite experience paints andthen either assassinate the local Guildmaster Assassin (14th level) orchallenge him or her to a duel to the death. likewise, a 14th level playercharacter assassin can journey to the place where the Grandfather ofAssassins (15th level) has his or her headquarters and slay him or her byassassination or in a duel. Note that duplicity, trickery, ambush, and allforms of treachery are considered as fair by assassins. A higher levelcharacter can accept a challenge and then have the challenger slain byarchers, for instance.As Guildmaster (or Guildmistress) Assassin, a character will have a body ofguild members which numbers between 7-28. Upon change of leadershipit is 75% likely that each guild member will leave the area. Thus, it will benecessary far the new Guildmaster to allow new members into the guild.These new assassins will all be 1st level and must be worked up inexperience levels. The maximum number of such "followers" of the localguild will be set by your referee. They are in addition to normalhenchmen. Note that guild membersare loyal only to strength, power, andprofit.The headquarters of a guild is always within a large town or big city. Itmust not be a noticeable fortress or an ostentatious place. It is typically aworehouse or other nondescript structure, with safeguards and trapsodded. This avoids attention and unwanted notoriety. All expenses ofmaintoining the guild and its members - excluding the Guildmaster -are assumed to be fully paid for by normal guild activities. Anyimprovements, changes, the expenses of the leader, and a11 other specialcosts must be borne by the Guildmaster Assassin.The headquarters of the Grandfather of Assassins can be virtuallyanywhere and of any form - cavern, castle, monastery, palace, temple,you name it. However, if it is a large and obvious place, the headquartersmust be located well away from all <strong>com</strong>munities - such as in the midst ofa murky woods, a dismal marsh or fen, o lonely moor, o deserted island, Qremote coast, or far into forsaken hills or atop a mountain. Upon attainingthe headship of all assassins, the new Grandfather or Grandmother mustpay all remaining followers of the former head 1000 gold pieces for eachof their experience levels, destroy the old headquarters, and construct anew one somewhere else.ASSASSINS (THIEVES) TABLEexperoence Pointsexper-ioncolevel1,3,6,001-1 2,000 412.001-25.ooO 56-sideddice forAccumulatedHit Points level title4 Murderer5 Thua25;001-50:000 6 6 killer300,001425,000 10 10 Expert Assassin425,001-575.000 11 11 Senior Assassin575.001-750,OOO 12 12 Chief Assassin75O.OOl-1 ,OOO,OOO 13 13 Prime Assassin1,000,001-1,500,000 14 Guc ldmaster Assassin1,500,001 and Over 15 , Grandfather of AssassinsThe MonkThe monk is the most unusual of all characters, the hardest to qualify for,and perhaps, the mast deadly. That is why the class is given out ofalphabetical order at the end of the section pertaining to character classes.CHARACTER CLASSES (MONK)To be a monk a character must have the following minimum ability scores:strength 15, wisdom 15, dexterity 15, and constitution 1 1. Monks never gainany experience points bonuses. Dexterity gives them no armor classadjustmentMonks are monastic aesthetics who practice rigorous mental and physicaltraining and discipline in order to be<strong>com</strong>e superior. Therefore they mustalways be lawful in alignment, although they can be evil, good, or neutralwith respect to their approach to lawfulness. A monk who for any reasonlases this lawful alignment loses all monk abilities and must begin againas a first level character. Non-player character monks will be aligned asfollows: 50% lawful good, 35% lawful neutral, 15% lawful evil.A brief study of CHARACTER CLASSES TABLES I and II will reveal that themonk appears to be quite weak, even considering that at the topmost levela monk can have 18, albeit four-sided, hit dice (an average of 45 hit pointswithout constitution score additions, if any) and has a good selection ofweapons to choose from. Monks have no spell ability, cannot wear armoror use a shield, and not even flaming ail is usable by them. This seems tomake a weak character class indeed. But this impression is false, for monkshave their own special attack and defense capabilities, certain otherpowers, and most of the abilities of the thief class and some clerical-typecapabilities as well. So, while the class has drawbacks, it is very strong.With respect to <strong>com</strong>bat, monks attack on the same table as thieves.However, they add one-half of a hit point per level of experience to theamount of damage they score when they successfully attack an opponentwith a weapon. This simulates their study and knowledge of weapons andanatomy. A 1st level monk scores x + % HP of damage, where x equalsthe damage done by the weapon used and HP equals the number of hitpoints of damage. A 2nd level monk does x + 1 when he or she scores ahit, a 3rd level x + 1 %, and so on all the way to Grand Master of Flowerswho scores x + 8% HP damage. Monks of median level and aboveactually fight better without weapons, using their open hands, despite theweapon damage bonus they receive.Open hand <strong>com</strong>bat damage is shown on MONKS TABLE II below. Inaddition, the monk has a chance to stun, or even kill, an opponent. Anopponent is stunned by a monk for 1-6 (d6) melee rounds if the score ofthe monk's "to hit" die score exceeds the minimum number required for ahit by 5 or more, i.e. if 15 is required, a score of 20 would indicate o stun.The "to hit" scores rolled by the monk are never modified by any strengthability bonuses. The chance to kill is a percentage which equals the armorclass (AC) of the opponent, modified by the number of experience levelsabove seven which the monk has attained. AC -1 is a negative chance forkilling, as an example, but a monk of 9th level (two above 7th) wouldallow a 1% chance of killing. Note that 1) the monk must score o hit, and 2)the hit must stun the opponent, and 3) the percentile dice score must beequal to or less than the armor class of the stunned opponent, modified bythe monk's levels over 7th, in order to score a kill.Open hand fighting also allows the monk multiple attacks at such time asthe monk has attained the 4th or higher experience level.Monks make saving throws on the table used by thieves, but they gaincertain advantages: Non-magical missiles (arrows, bolts, bullets, throwndaggers, thrown javelins, thrown spears, etc.) which would normally hitcan be dodged ar knocked aside if the monk is able to make his or hersaving throw against petrification for each such potential hit. In otherrespects, if a monk makes his or her saving throw against an attack farm,the monk will sustain no damage from the attack, even if the attack farmwas a fireball, far instance. At 9th level (Master of the North Wind) orhigher, a monk who fails to make his or her saving throw will still sustainbut one-half the total potential damage which the attack form coulddeliver, if possible. That is, a fireball would do 50% of total damage, butthe gaze of a basilisk would still petrify the monk.At 1st level of experience, a monk is as likely to be surprised as any othercharacter, i.e. 33 1/3%. This chance goes down to 32% at 2nd level, and itthereafter goes down 2% per level, so there is only a 30% chance ofsurprising a 3rd level monk, 28% chance at 4th level, 26% chance at 5thlevel, etc.Monks have the following thief abilities which they perform at identicallevel of experience to that of a thief, i.e. a 1st level monk performs as a 1stlevel thief, a 2nd level monk as a 2nd level thief, etc. The abilities are:1. Open Locks30

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