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DRUID SPELLS (6TH LEVEL)die elemental will appear, 9% likely that 2 to 4 salamanders (q.v.) will<strong>com</strong>e, a 4% chance exists that an efreeti (q.v.) will <strong>com</strong>e, and a 2% chaceexists that a huge fire elemental of 21 to 24 hit dice (d4 + 20) will appear.Because of the relationship of druids to natural and elemental forces, theconjuring druid need not fear that the elemental force summoned will turnon him or her, so concentration upon the activities of the fire elemental (orother creatures summoned) or the protection of a magic circle is not necessary.The elemental summoned will help the druid however possible,including attacking opponents of the druid. The fire elemental or othercreature summoned remains for a maximum of 1 turn per level of thedruid casting the spell - or until it is sent back by attack, a dispel magicspell or the reverse of the spell (dismiss fire elemental). Only a druid candismiss summoned salamanders, efreeti, or ultra-powerful elementals.Cure Critical Wounds (Necromantic) ReversibleLevel: 6Range: TouchDuration: PermanentArea of Effect: Creature touchedComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 8 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell is the same as the 5th level cleric curecritical wounds spell (q.v.), with the exception of the fact that the spellrequires the use of any sort of mistletoe.Feeblemind (Enchantment/Charm)Level: 6Range: 16"Duration: PermanentArea of Effect: One creatureComponents: V, SCasting Time: 8 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: A spell which is solely for employment againstthose persons or creatures who use magic spells, feeblemind causes thevictim's brain to be<strong>com</strong>e that of a moronic child. The victim remains in thisstate until a heal, restoration or wish spell is used to do away with theeffects. The spell is of such a nature that the probability of it affecting thetarget creature is generally enhanced, i.e. saving throws are lowered.Type of Spells UsedSaving Throwby target CreatureadjustmentClericflDruid -1Magic-user (human) -4illusionist -5Combination or non-human -2Note that the spell has no material <strong>com</strong>ponent.Transport Via Plants (Alteration)level: 6Range: TouchDuration: SpecialArea of Effect: SpecialDRUID SPELLS (6TH LEVEL)Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: By means of this spell, the druid is able to enterany large plant and pass any distance to a plant of the same species in asingle round regardless of the distance separating the two. The entry plantmust be alive. The destination plant need not be familiar to the druid, butit also must be alive. If the druid is uncertain of the destination plant, he orshe need merely determine direction and distance, and the transport viaplant spell will move him or her as near as possible to the desired location.There is a basic 20% chance, reduced 1% per level of experience of thedruid, that the transport will deliver the druid to an allied species of plantfrom 1 to 100 miles removed from the desired destination plant. if aparticular destination plant is desired, but the plant is not living, the spellfails and the druid must <strong>com</strong>e forth from the entrance plant within 24hours. Harm to a plant housing a druid can affect the druid (cf. plant door).Turn Wood (Alteration)level: 6Range: 0Duration: 4 rounds/levelArea of Effect: 12" wide path. 2"long/levelComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 8 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When this spell is cast, waves of force roll forthfrom the druid, moving in the direction he or she faces, and causing allwooden obiects in the path of the spell to be pushed away from the druidto the limit of the area of effect. Wooden objects above three inchesdiameter which are fixed firmly will not be affected, but loose objects(movable mantlets, siege towers, etc.) will move back. Objects under 3inchesdiameter which are fixed will splinter and break and the pieces willmove with the wave of force. Thus, objects such as wooden shields, spears,wooden weapon shafts and hafts, and arrows and bolts will be pushedback, dragging those carrying them with them; and if a spear is planted inorder to prevent this forced movement, it will splinter. The turn wood spelllasts for 4 rounds per level of experience of the druid casting it, and thewaves of force will continue to sweep down the set path for this period.The wooden obiects in the area of effect are pushed back at a rate of 4"per melee round. The length of the path is 2" per level of the druid, i.e. a14th level druid casts a turn wood spell with an area of effect 12" wide by2 8 long, and the spell would last for 56 rounds (5.6 turns). As usual, theabove assumes the druid is using greater mistletoe when casting the spell.Note that after casting the spell the path is set, and the druid mdy then doother things or go elsewhere without affecting the spell's power.Fire Seeds (Coniuration)Level: 6Components: V, S, MRange: 4"Casting Time: I round/seedDuration: Special Saving Throw: !4Area of Effect: SpecialExplanation/Description: The spell of fire seeds creates special missiles ortimed incendiaries which burn with great heat. The druid may h<strong>url</strong> theseseeds up to 4" or place them to ignite upon a <strong>com</strong>mand word. Acornsbe<strong>com</strong>e fire seed missiles, while holly berries are used as the timedincendiaries. The spell creates up to four acorn fire seeds or eight hollyberry fire seeds. The acorns burst upon striking their target, causing 2 to 16hit points (2d8) of damage and igniting any <strong>com</strong>bustible materials within a1" diameter of the point of impact. Although the holly berries are too lightto make effective missiles, they can be placed, or tossed up to 6' away, toburst into flame upon a word of <strong>com</strong>mand. The berries ignite causing 1 to 8hit points (d8) of damage to any creature in a %" diameter burst area, andtheir fire ignites <strong>com</strong>bustibles in the burst area. The <strong>com</strong>mand range forholly berry fire seeds is 4". All fire seeds lose their power after theexpiration of 1 turn per level of experience of the druid casting the spell,i.e. a 13th level druid has fire seeds which will remain potent for amaximum of 13 turns after their creation. Targets of acorn fire seeds mustbe struck by the missile. If a saving throw is made, creatures within theburst area take only one-half damage, but creatures struck directly alwaystake full damage. Note that no mistletoe or other material <strong>com</strong>ponentsbeyond acorns or holly berries are needed for this spell.62Wall of Thorns (Conjuration/Summoning)Level: 6Range: 8"Duration: 1 tum/levelArea of Effect: IO"cube/levelComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: 8 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of verytough, pliable green tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long asa person's finger. Any creature breaking through (or merely impactingupon) the wall of thorns takes 8 hit points of damage plus an additionalamount of hit points equal to the creature's armor class, i.e. 10 or feweradditional hit points of damage, with negative armor classes subtractingfrom the base 8 hit points of damage. Any creature within the area ofeffect of the spell when it is cast is considered to hove impacted on thewall of thorns and in addition must break through to gain movementspace. The damage is based on each 1" thickness of the barrier. If the wallof thorns is chopped at, it will take at least 4 turns to cut a path through a1" thickness. Normal fire will not harm the barrier, but magical fires willburn away the barrier in 2 turns with the effect of creating a wall of firewhile doing so. (See wall of fire spell.) The nearest edge of the wall ofthorns appears up to 8 distant from the druid, as he or she desires. Thespell lasts for 1 turn for each level of experience of the druid casting it, andcovers an area of ten cubic inches per level of the caster in whatever formthe caster desires. Thus a 14th level druid could creote a wall of thorns 7"long by 2" high (or deep) by 1" deep (or high), a 1" high by 1" wide by14" long wall to block a dungeon passage, or any other sort of shape thatsuited his or her needs.

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