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EQUIPPING THE CHARACTERWEAPONSlivestockChickencowDog, guardDog, huntingDonkeyGoatHawk, largeHawk, smallHorse, draftHorse, heavy warHorse, light war3 c.p.10 g.p.25 g.p.17 g.p.8 S.P.19.P.40 g.p.18 g.p.30 g.p.300 g.p.150 g.p.Horse, medium warHorse, riding (light)MuleoxPigeonPigletPigPonySheepSongbird225 g.p.25 g.p.20 g.p.15 g.p.2 c.p.1 S.P.3 9.P.15 g.p.2 S.P.4 c.p.monster. Although a creature might be given a very high armor classbecause of its exceptionally thick hide, armor plating, chitinousexoskeleton, or the like, other factors are considered in such ratings. Forexample, the size of the creature, its speed, its agility, and perhaps itssupernatural (extra-dimensional or multi-planed existence) aspects areconsidered in the armor class of all non-human type monsters. Therefore,a monster with an armor class of 2 will not be carrying a shield.Armor types are given on the table below. Note that the inclusion of ashield raises armor class (AC) by a factor of 1 (5%), but that assumes attackfrom the front where the character can interpose it between himself and ablow.Miscellaneous Equipment L ItemsBackpack, leather 2 S.P.Box, iron, large28 g.p.Box, iron, small9 9.P.Candle, tallow1 c.p.Candle, wax1 s.p.Case, bone, map or scroll 5 S.P.Case, leather, map or scrc dl 15 s.p.Chest, wooden, large 17s.p.Chest, wooden, small 8 s.p.Lantern, bullseye 12 g.p.Lantern, hooded7 S.P.Mirror, large metal 10 g.p.Mirror, small, silver 20 g.p.Oil, flask of1 S.P.Pole, 10'3 c.p.Pouch, belt, large1S.P.Pouch, belt, small 15 s.p.Quiver, 1 doz. orrows cap. 8 s.p.Quiver, 1 score arrows cap. 12 s.p.Quiver, 1 score bolts cap. 15 s.p.Quiver, 2 score bolts cap. 1 g.p.Rope, 50'4 s.p.Sack, large16 c.p.Sack, small10 c.p.Skin for water or wine 15 s.p.Spike, iron, large1 c.p.Thieves' picks & tools 30 g.p.Tinder Box, with flint & steel 1 g.p.Torch1 C.P.- A small shield can be counted against only one attack permelee round.- A normal-sized shield can effectively be counted against twoattacks per melee round.-A large shield is counted against up to three attacks per meleeround.Attacks from the right flank and rear always negate the advantage of theshield.The cost of armor and shield varies. Generally speaking, the better theprotection, the greater the expense.Note: Magic armor negates weight, so that movement does not considerany encumbrance from magic armor. There are otherwise various types ofmagic armor.ARMOR CLASS TABLEProvisionsAle, pint 1 s.p. Mead, pint 5 s.p.Beer, small, pint 5 c.p. Rations, iron, 1 week 5 S.P.Food, merchant's meal 1 s.p. Rations, standard, 1 week 3 g.p.Food, rich meal 19.P. Wine, pint, good 10 s.p.Grain, horse meal, 1 day 1 s.p. Wine, pint, watered 5 s.p.Religious ItemsBeads, Prayer 1 g.p. Symbol, Holy*, wooden 7 s.p.Incense, stick 1 g.p. Water, Holy*, vial 25 g.p.Symbol, Holy*, iron 2 9.P. or UnholySymbol, Holy", silver 50 g.p.Tack and HarnessBarding, chain 250 g.p. Saddle 10 g.p.Barding, leather 100 g.p. Saddle Bags, large 4 S.P.Barding, plate 500 g.p. Saddle Bags, small 3 9.P.Bit and Bridle 15 s.p. Saddle Blanket 3 s.p.Harness12 s.p.TransportBarge (or Raft), small 50 g.p. Galley, small 10.000 g.p.Boat, small 75g.p. Ship, merchant, large 15,000g.p.Boat, long 150g.p. Ship, merchant,small 5,000g.p.Cart 50 g.p. Ship, war 20,000 g.p.Galley, large 25,000 g.p. Wagon 150 g.p.ARMORArmor, along with the use of a shield, is the basis for determination of howeasily a character can be struck by an opponent's weapon. Other factorsmodify this, of course. Dexterity and magical effects are the two principalmodifiers.Do not confuse armor which is worn with the armor class (AC) rating of uType of ArmorNoneShield onlyleather or padded armorleather or padded armor + shield/studded leather/ring mailStudded leather or ring mail + shield/scale mailScale mail shield/chain mailChain mail + shield/splint mail/banded mailSplint or banded mail + shield/plate mailPlate mail + shieldArmor ClassRating1<strong>09</strong>87For each + 1 of magic armor or magic shield, a decrease in armor class of1 is given. For example, a non-armored character with a + 1 shield is AC 8,a +2 shield AC7, etc. The same is true with regard to pluses of magicarmor of any type. A +1 converts to a 5% probability. Thus +2 equals a10% lesser likelihood of being hit. Magic plate mail +3 and magic shield+5 are equal to AC -6, or can be treated as AC 2 with a subtraction of 8from attackers' "to hit"dice rolls.WEAPONSThe choice of weapons used by your character might be circumscribed bythe class of your character, but selection is otherwise a matter of yourpreferences based on various factors presented hereafter. Of course, theinitial cost of the weapon might affect your selection at the beginning.Beyond this consideration, there are factors of size and weight. Thedamage inflicted by the weapon is important, as is the amount of spacerequired to wield it. These details are given hereafter.Weapon ProficiencyAt the start, your character will be able to employ but a limited number ofweapons. The number is determined by class. When the character movesup in levels of experience to the next higher <strong>com</strong>bat melee table, he orshe is assumed to have acquired proficiency in an additional weapon. Thenew weapon is of his or her choice. Note that proficiency with a normalweapon is subsumed in using a magical weapon of the same type. Ifproficiency with any given weapon is not held by the character it is usedat a penalty as shown on the table which follows.6543236

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