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MONSTER, THE TERMMONSTER, THE TERMIt is necessary to stress that the usage of the term "monster" is generic forany creature encountered during the course of adventuring. A monster canbe exactly what the name implies, or it can be a relatively harmlessanimal, a friendly intelligent beast, a crazed human, a band of dwarves, athief - virtually anything or anyone potentially threatening or hostile.When your referee indicates your character has encountered a monster,that simply indicates a confrontation between your character and sometype of creature is about to take place. The results of such a meeting willdepend on many factors, including the nature of the monster and yourcharacter's actions. All monsters are not bad ...CHARACTER SPELLSThe casting of spells, clerical and magical, is a very important aspect ofplay. Most spells have a verbal <strong>com</strong>ponent, and so must be uttered. Mostspells also have a somatic (movement of the caster's body, such asgesturing) <strong>com</strong>ponent. Some spells have a third <strong>com</strong>ponent, that ofmaterial.Clerical spells, including the druidic, are bestowed by the gods, so that thecleric need but pray for a few hours and the desired verbal and somaticspell <strong>com</strong>ponents will be placed properly in his or her mind. First, second,third, and even fourth level spells are granted to the cleric throughmeditation and devout prayer. This spell giving is ac<strong>com</strong>plished by thelesser servants of the cleric's deity. Fifth, sixth, and seventh level spells canbe given to the cleric ONLY by the cleric's deity directly, not through someintermediary source. Note that the cleric might well be judged by his orher deity at such time, as the clerk must supplicate the deity for thegranting of these spells. While the deity may grant such spells fullwillingly, a deed, or sacrifice, atonement or abasement may be required.The deity might also ignore a specific spell request and give the clericsome other spell (or none at all). Your Dungeon Master will handle thisconsidering a cleric's alignment and faithfulness to it and his or her deity.Note that some cleric spells (and all druid spells) also require materialingredients in order for the desired effect to take place. Such <strong>com</strong>ponentsmust be supplied by the cleric (or druid), as material is not bestowed.Magical spells, those of the magic-user and illusionist, are not bestowedby any supernatural force. Rather, the magic-user (or illusionist) mustSPELL TABLES (CLERIC)memorize each spell, verbal and somatic <strong>com</strong>ponents, and supply himselfor herself with any required materials as well. Such memorization requiresthe character to consult his or her spell books in order to impress thepotent, mystical spell formulae upon the mind. Additional items for thematerial <strong>com</strong>ponent must then be acquired, if necessary.Spells of any sort must therefore be selected prior to setting out on anadventure, for memorization requires considerable time. (Your DungeonMaster will inform you fully as to what state of refreshment the mind of aspell caster must be in, as well as the time required to memorize a givenspell.) As a rule of thumb, allow 15 minutes of game time formemorization of one spell level, i.e. a 1st level spell or half of a 2nd levelspell. Such activity requires a mind rested by a good sleep and nourishedby the body.Once cast, a spell is totally forgotten. Gone. The mystical symbolsimpressed upon the brain carry power, and speaking the spell dischargesthis power, draining all memory of the spell used. This does not precludemultiple memorization of the same spell, but it does preclude multiple useof a single spell memorized but once. When a spell caster shoots his or herspell-bolt, so to speak, it is gone.As previously shown in the CHARACTER CLASSES section, the number ofspells usable by a character depend upon class and level. Details of spellcasting are given later in the section an <strong>com</strong>bat (q.v.).The nature and <strong>com</strong>ponents of the various spells are given in the sectionimmediately after the spell tables. These spell descriptions also containsuch information as is pertinent, i.e. range, duration, effect, etc. YourDungeon Master may add to or delete from a spell(s) and may even add ordelete entire spells. He will inform you of these changes prior to selectingspells or when new spells be<strong>com</strong>e available to your character.Material <strong>com</strong>ponents for spells are assumed to be kept in little pockets,stored in the folds and small pockets of the spell caster's garb. Of course,some materials are too bulky, and in these cases the materials must beaccounted for carefully. Also, some materials are rare, and these must befound and acquired by the spell user.Special cases which pertain to each class of spell-using character type willbe noted before each set of spell explanations.SPELL TABLESCLERICSNumber 1st Level 2nd Level3rd Level5 Detect Evil Hold Person Cure Disease6 Detect Magic Know Alignment Dispel Magic10 Remove Fear Snake Charm prayer11 Resist ColdSpeak With AnimalsRemove Curse12 SanctuarySpiritual HammerSpeak With DeadNumber 4th Level 5th Level 6th Level 7th Level1Cure Serious Wounds Atonement Aerial Servant Astral Spell2 Detect lie Commune Animate objectControl Weather3 Divination Cure Critical Wounds Blade Barrier Earthquake4 ExorciseDispel EvilConjure AnimalsGate5 lower WaterFlame StrikeFind The PathHoly (Unholy) Word6 Neutralize PoisonInsect plagueHealReaenerate10 TonguesTrue SeeingWord Of RecallWind Walk40

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