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DRUID SPELLS (IST LEVEL)Duration: I turn + I round/levelArea of Effect: Creature touchedSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When an invisibility to animals spell is cast by adruid, the recipient of the magic be<strong>com</strong>es totally undetectable withrespect to normal animals with intelligence under 6. Normal animalsincludes giant-sized varieties, but it excludes any with magical abilities orpowers. The magicked individual is able to walk amongst animals or passthrough them as if he or she did not exist. For example, this individualcould stand before the hungriest of lions or a tyrannosaurus rex and not bemolested or even noticed. However, a nightmare, hell hound, or winterwolf would certainly be aware of the individual. The material <strong>com</strong>ponentof thisspell is holly rubbed over the individual.Shillelagh (Alteration)Level: IRange: TouchDuration: 7 round/levelArea of Effect: One normal oakenclubDRUID SPELLS (2ND LEVEL)Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell enables the druid to change his ownoaken cudgel into a magical weapon which is +1 to hit and inflicts 2-8 hitpoints of damage on opponents up to man-sized, 2-5 hit paints of damageon larger opponents. The druid must wield the shillelagh, of course. Thematerial <strong>com</strong>ponents of this spell are an oaken club, any mistletoe, and ashamrock leaf.Locate Animals (Divination)speak With Animals (Alteration)Level: 1Range: 0Duration: I round/levelArea of Effect: 2"path 2"Iong/levelComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: I roundSaving Throw: NoneLevel: IRange: 0Duration: 2 round/levelArea of Effect: One animal type in4" radius of druidComponents: V, SCasting Time: 3 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The druid with a locate animals spell is able todetermine the direction and distance of any of the desired animals withinthe area of effect. The sought after animal can be of any sort, but the druidmust concentrate on the sort desired. The cleric faces in a direction, thinksof the animal desired, and he or she then knows if any such animal iswithin spell range. During a round of spell effect duration, the druid mustface in only one direction, i.e., only a 2" wide path can be known. Thespell lasts 1 round per level of experience of the druid, while the length ofthe path is 2" per level of experience.Pass Without Trace (Enchantment/Charm)Level: 1Range: TouchDuration: I turn/levelArea of Effect: Creature touchedComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: I roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the recipient can movethrough any type of terrain - mud, snow, dust, etc. -and leave neitherfootprint nor scent. Thus, tracking a person or other creature covered bythis dweomer is impossible. The material <strong>com</strong>ponents of this spell are aleaf of mistletoe (which must be burned thereafter and the ashespowdered and scattered) and a sprig of pine or evergreen. Note: The areawhich is passed over will radiate a dweomer for 6-36 turns after theaffected creature passes.Predict Weather (Divination)Level: IRange: 0Duration: 2 hours/levelArea of Effect: Nine square milesComponents: V, S, MCasting Time: I roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When a predict weather spell is cast by a druid,he or she gains 100% accurate knowledge of the weather (sky,temperature, precipitation) in a nine square mile area centering on thedruid. For each level of experience of the druid casting the spell, two hoursadvance weather can be forecast. Thus, at 1st level the druid knows whatthe weather will be for two hours; at second level he or she knows theweather for 4 hours in advance, etc.Purify Water (Alteration) ReversibleLevel: IRange: 4"Duration: PermanentArea of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level,I " square areaComponents: V, SCasting Time: I roundSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell makes dirty, contaminated water cleanand pure, suitable for consumption. Up to one cubic foot per level of thedruid casting the spell can be thus purified. The reverse of the spell,contaminate water, works in exactly the same manner, and evenholy/unholy water can be spoiled by its effects.Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same asthe second level cleric spell of the same name.Second level Spells:Barkskin (Alteration)Level: 2Range: TouchDuration: 4 rounds + 7round/levelArea of Effect: Creature touchedComponents: V,S,MCasting Time: 3 segmentsSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: When the druid casts the barkskin spell upon acreature, its armor class improves 1 place because the creature's skinbe<strong>com</strong>es as tough as bark. In addition, saving throws versus all attackforms except magic increase by + 1. This spell can be placed on the druidcasting it or on any other creature he or she touches. In addition tomistletoe, the caster must have a handful of bark from an oak as thematerial <strong>com</strong>ponent of the spell.Charm person Or Mammal (Enchantment/Charm)Level: 2Range: 8"Duration: SpecialArea of Effect: One person ormammalComponents: V, SCasting Time: 4 segmentsSaving Throw: Neg.Explanation/Description: This spell will affect any single person ormammal it is cast upon. The creature then will regard the druid who castthe spell as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spelldoes not enable the druid to control the charmed creature as if it were anautomaton, but any word or action of the druid will be viewed in its mostfavorable way. Thus, a charmed creature would not obey a suicide<strong>com</strong>mand, but might believe the druid if assured that the only chance tosave the druid's life is if the creature holds back an onrushing red dragonfor "just a round or two". Note also that the spell does not empower thedruid with linguistic capabilities beyond those he or she normallypossesses. The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed creature'sintelligence, and it is tied to the saving throw. The spell may be broken if asaving throw is made, and this saving throw is checked on a periodic basisaccording to the creature's intelligence:Intelligence score3 or less4to67to910 to 1213 to 1415to 16171819 or moreperiod between checks3 months2 months1 month3 weeks2 weeks1 week3 days2 days1 day55

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