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ENCUMBRANCESURPRISEvery heavy gear -armor and/or equipmentof 10Yand bulky(such as plate armor)encumbered - armorand/or equipmentover 10% weightand/or (very) bulky6"-subject can trotfor short distances3" to 4"- notrotting possibleslowedslowed greatlyLIGHTInfravision, the ability to see radiation in the infra-red spectrum, is anability possessed by most of the creatures dwelling below ground andnocturnal animals. Some characters have this ability due to race or bymagical means. However, as many characters can only see in light whichis normal to the human visual spectrum, and mapping requires light also,some form of light generating device is necessary for activities indungeons or at night. The table below gives the properties of the usuallight sources:Strength penalties or bonuses will modify these guidelines. Weight isusually stated in gold pieces, 1Ogold pieces equalling 1# (pound). Volumecan only be calculated from known <strong>com</strong>parisons, as the size and shape ofobjects varies from individual to individual, i.e. how big is a tapestry?MOVEMENT - TIME AND DISTANCE FACTORSMovement rate is always shown by a numeral followed by the sign forinches thus, 9". The number of inches moved is scaled to circumstancesand time by modifying either the distance represented or the time periodor both.Movement in the Dungeon: The movement distance in the dungeon is 1"to 10' over a turn of 10 minutes duration while exploration and mappingare in progress. If the party is following a known route or map, themovement rate is 5 times greater, so each move takes 1/5 of a turn (2rounds). If the party is fleeing, a11 movement - excluding encumberedmovement, is 10times faster, so each move takes only 1/10 of a turn, or 1round. This same movement rate applies to <strong>com</strong>bat situations, so byconverting each 1" movement rate to lo', and then taking 1/10 of theround (using segments), the distance a character or monster can travelduring the course of <strong>com</strong>bat is easily found:Distance Traveled in OneMovementRate Round (1 minute) Segment (6 seconds)6" 60 6'9" 90' 9'12" 120' 12'15" 1 50' 15'18" 1 80' 18'If moving but 12' in 6 seconds seems slow, consider the conditions -whether prolonged physical exertion or the threat of hostile counter to themovement.Movement Outdoors: The major difference in outdoor movement isdistance and time. Each 1" equals the number of miles a character orcreature can travel in one-half day's trekking. Terrain will vary themovement rate. When an encounter occurs, the movement rate is handledin the same manner as <strong>com</strong>bat movement in the dungeon.Movement in Cities: When your party is in an inhabited area, movementturns are at the same rate as when <strong>com</strong>bat in the dungeon takes place, i.e.6" = 60' and each move is 1 minute long. This assumes that no map isbeing made. Mapping takes 10 times as long, so movement whenmapping is the same as in a dungeon.Note: No mapping is possible when a party is moving at fast speed such aswhen pursued or pursuing. Light must be available to make or read a map;infrovision is not suitable in such circumstances. Marks, dropped objects, ora trailing string or line are typically useless devices in dungeons, as theywill be obliterated, moved, or destroyed by passing creatures.Radius oflight SourceilluminationTorch 40'Lantern 30'Bullseye LanthornEO'**Magic Dagger 10'Magic Short Sword 15'Magic Long Sword 20'*illumination is from burning 1 pot (pint) of fine oil**illumination is 1" wide only and can be masked by shutter.INFRAVISIONBurningTime6 turns (1 hour)24 turns'24 turns*infiniteinfiniteinfiniteAs previously mentioned, infravision is the ability to see into the infraredspectrum. Thus heat radiotion be<strong>com</strong>es visible and differences intemperature allow infrared sight. Warm things are bright, cool things grey,very cold things are black. Most infravision extends to 60' distance.Dungeon-dwelling monsters have infravision to 120'. All infravision isspoiled if a light source is shedding illumination upon the creaturepossessing the infrared sight capability. Similarly, great heat will spoil thecapability.Thieves hiding in shadows are successful with respect to infravision only ifthere is a heat/light source nearby to mask their body heat, or a very coldobject or radiation to provide similar cover.ULTRAVISIONUltravision is the ability to see radiation in the ultraviolet spectrum -gamma rays, x-rays, etc. Creatures with this ability can see in normalnighttime darkness; that is, they see ot night as well as a human can see atdusk because of the continual bombardment of ultraviolet radiation uponthe earth.SILENT MOVEMENTCharacters typically make a certain amount of noise, and thus alertopponents of their presence. But thieves, as well as characters able tomove quietly because of a magical device such as boots of elvenkind havea chance to be absolutely silent when moving. This chance to beabsolutely silent is given as a percentage, +/- modifiers, and thecharacter must roll percentile dice to score less than or equal to thepercentage chance he or she has to move without sound. Success indicatessilent movement and an improved chance to surprise an opponent or slippast it.INVISIBLE MOVEMENTBy various magical means it is possible to be<strong>com</strong>e invisible and moveabout. Invisibility bestowed by a cloak of elvenkind extends to what itcovers. A ring or spell of invisibility offers superior invisibility. Note thatnone mask light, so the invisible character cannot move about with a lightsource and be unseen, for the light will be noticed even though its bearerand possibly its source are not.1 02SURPRISESurprise is simply the unexpected, unprepared for. Characters can besurprised just as creatures they encounter can. Noise and light can negatechances for surprise with respect to characters or creatures they encounter.Surprise is usually expressed as a 2 in 6 chance for all parties concerned,i.e. a six-sided die is rolled with a 1 or 2 indicating surprise. Some monstersare more capable of surprising foes thanthe normal 2 in 6 probability, ondsome cannot be surprised as easily, so they have a reduced probability -1 in 6, 1 in 8, etc. Each 1 of surprise equals 1 segment (six seconds) of time

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