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CHARACTER CLASSESCHARACTER CLASSESCHARACTER CLASSES TABLE I: HIT DICE, SPELL ABILITY, AND CLASS LEVEL limitClass of Hit Die Maximum Number of Class LevelCharacter Type Hit Dice Spell Ability LimitCLERIC d8 9 Yes noneDruid d8 14 Yes 14 (The Great Druid)MAGIC-USER d4 11 noneIllusionist d4 10 noneMONK d4 (+d4)** 17 (+ l)** no 17 (Grand Master of Flowers)*Clerical spell ability up to 4th level spells, first gained at 9th level.**The ranger beings with two eight-sided hit dice (2d8), but thereafter goes up one die per level, to the indicated maximum, as do all other classes. Themonk begins with two four-sided dice (2d4), and goes up thereafter as do rangers, at one die per level.***Druidic spell ability up to 3rd level spells, first gained at 8th level; and magic-user spell ability up to 2nd level, first gained at 9th level.****At 10th level (72th level with regard to assassins) thieves gain the ability to read magic-users' (and illusionists') spells from scrolls.Notes Regarding Character Classes Table I.:Class of Character is self-explanatory. Multi-classes have been omitted,but certain facts pertaining to them are given hereafter.Hit Dice Type shows the type of die to be rolled by a character of theappropriate class at each level of experience (q.v.) he or she has gainedso as to determine how many hit points (q.v.) the character has. Multiclassedcharacters determine their hit points as fallows:Roll the hit die (or dice) appropriate to each class the character isprofessing.Total the sum of all dice so rolled, and adjust for constitution (q.v.).Divide the total by the character's classes (two or three), droppingfractions under %, rounding fractions of % or greater upwards to thenextwhale number.Not6 that when multi-classed characters are no longer able to progress inany given class, they no longer gain the hit dice for that class. (SeeCHARACTER HIT POINTS).Maximum Number of Hit Dice assumes thot the character has no raciallimitation to prevent rise <strong>com</strong>mensurate with the number of hit dice. Notethat additional hit points are still gained with increase in level, eventhough no additional hit dice can be, in those cases where there is no class(or race) level limit. (See CHARACTER HIT POINTS.)Spell Ability simply indicates whether or not the class of character is ableto employ spells. (For details of spells see CHARACTER SPELLS.)Class Level Limit tells how high in levels the character can progress in theclass in question. As shown, most character classes do not have any upperlimit, although racial limitations might affect non-human or semi-humancharactersThe number derived (quotient) is the number of hit points themulti-classed character gains with the rise in that experience level.CHARACTER CLASSES TABLE 11.:ARMOR AND WEAPONS PERMITTEDClass ofCharacter Armor Shield Weapons*Oil PoisonCLERIC any any club, flail, hammer, mace, staffves never**Druid leather wooden club, dagger, dart, hammer, scimitar, sling, spear, staff ?'This heading includes any magical weapons of the type named unless use by the class in question is specifically proscribed in the description of the magicweopon.**This prohibition is strictly for clerics who are not of evil alignment; the latter may use poison if permitted in the campaign by the referee.***Characters under 5' height cannot employ the longbow or any weopon over 12' in length. Those under 100 pounds of body weight cannot use the heavycrossbow or pole arms in excess of 200 gold piece weight equivalent, including two-handed swords.*"*Athief may use a short sword, broad sword, or long sword but not a bastard sword or a two-handed sword.Note Regarding Poison: The question mark indicates that the use of poisons is possible providing the referee so allows. Uses and limitations are determinedby the referee with suggestions from the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE.19

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