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MAGIC-USER SPELLS (9TH LEVEL)Explanation/Description: Upon casting a time stop spell, the magic-usercauses the flow of time to stop in the area of effect, and outside this area- the sphere simply seems to shimmer for an instont. During the period ofspell duration, the magic-user can move and act freely within the areawhere time is stopped, but all other creatures there are frozen in theiractions, for they are literally between ticks of the time clock, ond the spellduration is subjective to the caster. No creature can enter the area of effectwithout being stopped in time also, and if the magic-user leaves it, he orshe immediately negates the spell. When spell duration ceases, the magicuserwill again be operating in normal time.Wish (Conjuration/Summoning)Level: 9Range: UnlimitedDuration: SpecialArea of Effect: SpecialComponents: VCasting Time: SpecialSaving Throw: SpecialExplanation/Description: The wish spell is a more potent version of alimited wish (q.v.). If it is used to alter reality with respect to hit pointssustained by a party, to bring a dead character to life, or to escape from odifficult situation by lifting the spell caster (and his or her party) from oneplace to another, it will not cause the magic-user any disability. Otherforms of wishes, however, will cause the spell caster to be weak (-3 onstrength) and require 2 to 8 days of bed rest due to the stresses the wishplaces upon time, space, and his or her body. Regardless of what is wishedfor, the exact terminology of the wish spell is likely to be carried through.(This discretionary power of the referee is necessary in order to maintaingame balance. As wishing another character dead would be grosslyunfair, for example, your DM might well advance the spell caster to afuture period where the object is no longer alive, i.e. putting the wishingcharacter out of the campaign.)Color Spray (Alterotion)Level: IRange: I"/levelDuration: I segmentArea of Effect: E'' X 2" X 2"wedgeILLUSIONIST SPELLS (1ST LE VEL)Components: V,S,MCosting Time: 1 segmentSaving Throw: SpecialExplanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the illusionist causes avivid fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his or herhand. From 1 to 6 creatures within the area of effect can be affected. Thespell caster is able to affect 1 level or hit die of creatures for each of his orher levels of experience. Affected creatures ore struck unconscious for 2 to8 rounds if their level is less than or equal to that of the spell caster; theyare blinded for 1 to 4 rounds if their level or number of hit dice is 1 or 2greater than the illusionist; and they are stunned (cf. power word, stun,seventh level magic-user spell) for 2 to 8 segments if their level or numberof hit dice is 3 or more greater than the spell caster. All creatures above thelevel of the spell caster and all creatures of 6th level or 6 hit dice areentitled to a saving throw versus the color spray spell. The material<strong>com</strong>ponents of this spell are a pinch each of powder or sand colored red,yellow and blue.Dancing lights (Alteration)Level: IRange: 4" + I"/levelDuration: 2 rounds/levelArea of Effect: SpecialComponents: V,S,MCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell is the same as the first level magic-userspell, dancing lights (q.v.).ILLUSIONIST SPELLSNotes Regarding Illusionist (Magic-User) Spells:There are fewer illusionist spells than there are magic-user spells, andthere is some duplication; at seventh level the list includes all first levelmagic-user spells, several of which are taken as if they were but one spellof seventh level. The illusions of this class grow progressively morepowerful as levels increase; the phantasms take on some actualsubstance, and even other sorts of spells used by illusionists are potent (cf.phantasmal killer, shades, prismatic spray).There are some illusionist spells which have no verbal (V) <strong>com</strong>ponent.Also, these spells typically need fewer material <strong>com</strong>ponents than do thoseof other classes. A notable exception is the vision spell which needs greatmaterial outlay.First level Spells:Audible Glamer (illusion/Phantasm)Level: IRange: 6" + I"/levelDuration: 3 rounds/levelArea of Effect: Hearing rangeComponents: V,SCasting Time: 5 segmentsSaving Throw: SpecialExplanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the some asthe second level magic-user spell, audible glamer (q.v.).Change Self (Illusion/Phantasm)Level: IRange: 0Duration: 2-12 rounds + 2rounds/levelArea of Effect: The illusionistComponents: V,SCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: This spell enables the illusionist to alter theappearance of his or her form - including clothing and equipment - toappear 1' shorter or taller; thin, fat, or in between; human, humanoid, orany other generally man-shaped bipedal creature. The duration of thespell is 2 to 12 (2d6) rounds base plus 2 additional rounds per level ofexperience of the spell caster.Darkness (Alteration)Level: IRange: I"/levelDuration: 2-8 rounds + Iround/levelArea of Effect: 75' radius globeComponents: V,SCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same asthe second level magic-user spell of darkness (q.v.).Detect illusion (Divination)Level: IComponents: V,S,MRange: TouchCasting Time: I segmentDuration: 3 rounds + 2 rounds/ Saving Throw: NonelevelArea of Effect: Line of sight I" wide,I "/level longExplanation/Description: By means of this spell the illusionist is able to seean illusion and know it for exactly that. Note that it can be used to enableothers to see illusions as unreal if the spell caster touches the creature withboth hands and the creature looks at the illusion while so touched. Thematerial <strong>com</strong>ponent isa piece of yellow tinted crystal, glass, or mica.Detect invisibility (Divination)Level: IRange: 7"levelDuration: 5 roundsAeve1Area of Effect: I"pathComponents: V,S,MCasting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same asthe second level magic-user spell, detect invisibility (q.v.).Gaze Reflection (Alteration)Level: IRange: 0Duration: I roundArea of Effect: SpecialComponents: V,SCosting Time: I segmentSaving Throw: NoneExplanation/Description: The gaze reflection spell creates a mirror-like94

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