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suM.'MElt NIGHT~ AND DAYS.andmischi:evous'fisc.al ineonsisteneies, under the description of regu:..lations, and a name of Moorish derivation,asis seen in the affiches, tooJornüdable for the utteranee of Gargantua !limselr. Hereupon itshould not beomitted to warn·the traveUer that, previous to setting out,he,must I-?rovide himse16witha pas-s..port. It is procured without diffi:.cuJt'y,;,but'is tndispensable. '. In'J!e~ard.totkeseas()fi;the summernightshel~e aœ of a beauty not to be deseribed ; the air is so diaphaneJt.ts, thatthe convexity of the full moon is perfeetly obvious to the naked eye;and when that orb does not appear, the stars are of a brightness, andthe skyof a 1'ichness of bIue, that othe1' latitudes and e1evations canafford no ipea of. The exchange" to-day is indeed for the worse.Dingy olive, a Forest ofthistles extending as fa.r as the eye eanreach, ina horizonapparently boundless, or bounded only by a partial ledge ofhills; with a venta, to whichthetraveller is driven bya scorching middaysun, andfrom whence he is probably quite as rapidly drivenbraseow}ing hostess. These eonstitute but a cheerless prospect tourgeonthe toil of the road, whieh is here throughout nearly as it came from thehandotNature ;hardly bearingthe traccs·ofw,11eel, or even hoof. Everyfoot of this tract is argillaceous wheat..land: but not an car, of grain ista beseen! Seme good ever arises out of evi1. But the proportionsare thepo~nt."Vere it not for theabundance of thistles, it is impossibleto sayhowthe seanty population, here could~xist; still less how.meet the limited wants of the traveller. "Vithout them, he and hisdonkey alÜœ should want their: ·pabulum. They suppJythe only culi­IJary fuel of the venta. And this article, firing, Îs Hot in the list of œconomics,here, for any, pUf.pose save tbat of the ~itchen. Yet the wintersmust bedreadfully severe, in an e1evation snch as the thinness of theatmosphere ascribes to this tract of eomltry.The French always express themselves with horror at the, idea ote

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