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"104 'f<strong>RAV</strong>ELS IN EUROPE.nothing can he more completely inverted here. Indeed the·cnrtainmay be preferably drawn overthis wretched exhibition; and ta con'­cIude npon a subject, whereon very oppûsing sentiments pervade, a detailhaving sornewhat of originality and drawn from Spain shaH besubstituted.-During the last year, a tO'l'ero of l\1adrit (bull.fighter) Ülventeda curious device to interest the spectators. Opposite the gatewhence the bull sallies into the amphitheatre, he dug a hole. In thishe placed himself squatting, and holding a very strong lance, or ratlIerbeam, pointed with iron in the direction to meet th.e charge ofthe. bull.This animal was very .fierce bynature.,and moreover .by being kept ina qark place, as 15 the practice, untillet lo{)se; and he irnmediately onseeing.flew at the man, who most dexterouslyguided his point, 50 tbatit ran, by the violence with which the bull carne on, through the ani..mal's jaw, through bis body, and came out hetween his hiud legs, sothat he was fairJy spitted, and rnight have heen immediately put teroast. As may be 8upposed, thi8 man's life depended on his dexterity,and a very deliberate act of .t'ortitude it certainly. was. Alth(;)ugh heca11lC ofr with flyingcolours, he did not altogetherso in a ,,,hole skia.according to the construction of the phrase; for thequadruped reachedhim with !lis horns, catching him with one of them uuder the arm,which it dislocated.'l'he Jnquisition docs 110t s]eep in Portugal. At times a soldierisseiz('(L and in such case intimation is given to his commanding officer,that he is to make..no J'urther inquiry concerning hint.' lt is !laid theinstruction to thiseffect appears on the face of the orderlybook. ltmay he judged w·hat must he a military state subject to such inspectorsas thest.'. Of all persons in the nation, were it not fHf the insupel'ableJ()Vt~of meddling,_ the soldiery, it might besu,pposecl, ,yo~tld ..bemost completely exempt from suçh a visitation. It m.:aybe judge.d how

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