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&t~COND .fOURNEY THROUGll FRANCE IN 1814.respect at least, proceeds but slowly.In regard toecclesiasti~al [naHers~possibly as requil'ingless pairfs in order to he U11derstood, the substitutionof new 'regime is complete.It is 110t unwise,prohabiy, foconstItutea numerous body in tbis department, in orderto'turn the public mind tothe study of jurisprudence.In the process of tÏille additiorjal encouragementwillbe constantly acquiring to this direction ef the api)Héation'of rising youth. It \vas in former days afa very low ebb. Thelwbl'essede l'obe, as it was caHed, ,vas, for its noblesse,1.JOtiJct prœtereanihil ;:Dothing was on the ton desllpêribrite Save ,Dours; for ptofit, aU mergéH lnclll:i~~h\.Jr:Fhifty years ago, theonlything'seen like affluence herc was irlâhclaboutthe ecdêsiasticaloFd~I~.As fo~instance, the bishop of this di'Ûcese, which was nothingin coin..parison to otl\ers..:He Bad', however, are,":énue· ofa.'hundredând fiftythousand livres, 75001. a;;;year:fs3. va~f sutr}' in that fime. To hispatroh..age went 'twehty canonries of from six thousandlivres to twenty thousanaper awnum each ;nfteen prehendaries, and as many grand,ricaragesas he chose U) nominate*. 'l'he c\:U'es were nearl'y âs!o..di:ly.havebeen preserv.ed. Besicles this, twomagnincentpalaces; one in town,one in the country, with extent ofdemesne atî'uaned to it. AUthe gooclthings of this world heid equal proportion to the establishment whic11supported them. Then to come to n:lOnastic life: here w'ere in one townthirteen monasteries; seven of fl1en, six of women.The monks were inthe number of ten or fifteen to eaen; but the womel1 considerably morenunlerous in their own establishments.Butitwas ,Dot the nutnbers, itwas the system which was oppressive' upon lifeee MUch" also, is to hesaid in"mitigation of censure on feroale convents; fôr monks, nothing•.. The present church establishment of the diocesê(two departments united) consists of a bishopll.t ten thousand francs p81' annum; two vicars-generaI atfifteen huodred each; and thirty-sixcurates, first elass at fifteen hundred, and second class at a th

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