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IMPORTANT WORKSRECENTLY PUBLlSHED BY HENRY COLBURN,BRITISH AND FOREIGN PUBLIC LlBRARY, CONDUIT-STREET.NARRATIVE of a TEN YEARS' RESIDENCE at the COURT ofTllIPOLY. From the original .. C~rrespondence in the Possession .of the Family of the late RIcauD~ULLY,. Esq. the British Consul: comprising authentic Memoirs and Anecdotes of the reigning Baaha'w,lus FamIly, and various' Persons of Distinction; an Account of the domestic Manners of the Moors ArabiansL and Turks, ,. &c. &c. In 1 volume 4to., iIlustrated with sev~r~l coloured Plates. 'T?IS v;,lume wiUbe found tobe an object ofparticnlar curio~ity,from the vlVld a.od artless mam~er in which it lays. openthe mtenor of ~he Court of the Bashaw of Tripoly. It conum•.the. Q.\)lyauth~ntlc Account \"dllch has ever reached tlleworld ot the pnVate ~anners and Conduct of this Despot of the.Ras.t, and detaIls ~uch scenes and events•. suc~ sketches ofhnman weakness and VIce, the etft~ctsof ambition, avarice, envy, mtrlgue, &c. as wIll scarcely appear credIble III the eye ofan European.An HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of the BA.TTLE of WATERLOO, writtenfrom the first A~thority, by W. MUDFORD, Esqand accompanied b}' a series of Twent~-fou~splendidlycolouredEngravmgs, Plans, &e. from Drawings taken on the spot by JAMES ROUSE, Esq. Imperial4to.Price 61. 6s. hoards.This Historical. Narrative em:brac~s a geq,eral vie~ of thepoliticaland military transactions of the period which elapsedbetween the landmg of Buonapart~ m Franc~ ana hls departure for St. Helena. . .The account'of the battle contams ail the !nformation which could be pro~ured fro~ persons wh~ were present ln t.haever-mem.orable ~ng"'.gement; or who have .mce visited the spot, together w!th wha~ hes seatte;ed III numberlessforelgnand Enghshpubhcatlons. These materials, enriched and relieved by the vanous notIces of partlcular acts of her~Ism andperson~lanecdotes, are incorporated into one regular and coherent narrative; white aU the O~FlCIALREl'o;t'fs pu:b!.'shed byth.e Alites have been bro.ught togethe; in an Appendix; so that this Volume forms ~n unerrmg source of mformatlOn, andwill superiede the necessIty of possessmg any other memorial of this unparaUeled Vlctory.An AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE OftllC INVASIONS of FRANCE in 1814and 1815. By M. 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In 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated with a Map, exhibiting the Routes of the various Armies.Priee 12s. hoards. .A more lnminous view of the great scenes which occurred in Spain and portlJgal will not easily be ~onnd; and it is butjustice to the Author to say, that while he has detailed the operations with the penpicuity of a man ofSCIence, he has treatedthe Commanders on both sides with great impartiality.AMUSEMENTS in RETIREMENT; or, The INFLUENCE OF LITERATURE,SCIENCB, and the LIBERAL ARTS, on the Conduct and Happiness of PRIVATE LIFE.HThePHILOSoPHY ofNATUItE," In IVOI. 8vo. priee lOs. 6d. hoards.By the Author ofRECOLLECTIONS of ITALY,ENGLAND, and AJ\rJERICA. By F. A.DE CHATEAUBRIAND, (Author of" Atala," "Travels in Greece and Palestine," &c.) 2 vols. 8vo. priee 18s.-Ditto in French.Werecognise in these Recollections the elegant and romantic author of Alala; his fervid imagination and vivid descrip.tions.-These Recollections abound in sublime descriptions, picturesque imagery, and noble thouglo.ts.Also, by the same distinguished Writer,An HISTûRICAL, LITERARY, and püLITICAL. ESSAY on REVOLU­TIONS, ANCrENT and MODERN, 8vo. 12s.-Ditto in French.POYAGES AND TRA17ELS.TileSECOND and last VOLUME of the T<strong>RAV</strong>ELS of Professor LICH­TENSTEIN. in SOUTHERN AFRICA; comprising the Contilluationof his Jour~ey through ~heKar.1'00; a Botalllcal Tour to the District of Zwellendam &c. a Journey into the Countnes of the BosJesmans,the Corans, and the Beetjuans, a People never before ~isited by Europeans; an Excursion to the Borders'ofth~ Roggeveld; a Journey to Bosjesveld and Tulbagh, and the Return by St. Helena to Europe. llIustratedwlth a valuable Map, and several Engravings. Price 36s. l'oards. .,This work constitutes an intermec!iate linkif\ point.of lime between theTraveh of l\1r.13arrow an~ Mr. Caml:~el1. 1 heresidence of the allthor in the 1egiOlls he describes, exceeded that of either of the "bove tr:,\,et~ers; hls opportumtles for obô.ervationwere more numerous; and thc circumst~nces uuder which he travelled \Vere, lU sorne respects, more lavourablefor ohtaining a close acquaintance with the objects he exànlilled. . . .., .Dr. L.'s work contains much valuable information relative to the country, Ils prodllctlOl1S, mhahltants, and natural hlstory,&c. &c.-See Edinburgh and AUI;I

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