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.TOPOGRAPHY• 341. they compound .by a present. According to the account of these red~~medcaptives,the Arabs, \Vith whom they \Vere, traded intetmediatelytoBarbary and NegroJand, having vast numbers of cattle, whichthey barterwith the Negroes for gums, astrich-feathers, gold, and-childrenIso rootedisihe abuse in its inveteracy!Although the Frenchadventure:r recommends to his Government to penetrate Africa by Morocca,certain prospects to that effecthere are notdestitute of hope.Why rnight notsecurity of intercourse he taugbt by interest? Fromthe COllcurft:mce orevery account, the invisible intercourse trade 15 stillcarriedoà in the interidr.ÂsstOtopogr:aphic matter, so fal,' as relates to Sus or Guzzula*,the south of Atlas fit his western hand (Geryon) Cape Ger, a di;.lapidated towu presents itself as an abject of inquiry. . Snch too.are the alluvial fragment:s in the rnountains, two days journey inland,Horth of Cape Bojadort·; (how Scythia presents itself everywhere 1) similar to what Mr.Browne observed on the opposite side ofthis continent. Atlas soared above the puny Neptunian invasion whichswt~ptawayorganized nature.Hisface is here cornposed of cliff andnarrow defiles, covered below with woods, above with snow.(The intervenillgnebulolls. n~gion, sogrand a feature of a mountain of this~cale, reigns in a vertical direction of near1y six thousand feet.) Tothe al1Cienthist()ryo.f nHUlkind, two. clues, independent of record,: andnot Hable to its falsifications, are extant; language::: and cllstomsl})orein vetel·~t~lY>~1l4.uner~fl~!ç(~b1y implapted than language itself... Gretulia. See Virg.1En. iv. al"o Luèan. These countries posses$l.ldmore interest with the~ncients th~ntl,J~y dpi~.IIl()de~n~ax~. The actiOl~softhe world has fallenin directions presentingmore convenience, and it has not yet power to occupy the whole of the field.t Stentor-the Roarer. Honorifically applied. .The idea is deriverl from the tiger.t " Aye, but," say our classical philologistil, " thespellings do not agree"-(Laus Dea bonè§intelliga)-although the formation of language, and cOllsequently its consonancies, preceded the ru­§ Let flOt criticism ascribe-meo periculo-here. The autbor has the œgis of Holofernes to shelter llÎm hy.

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