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SINGULAR EXIIIBHI'IiON DY u\. YOUNG PERUVIAN. 99l&dged one.oifitbesein the body of theantagonist bull, which, attel'isustainingtheloss of blood for about half atlhour, feH exhaustecl uponthesands.This service cluly performed to his own, the good ally drewa dagger fromhis sicle, and with a contemporaneouseffort stabbed hisprotég/J in themol~talpatt,disenga.ged 'llinlself, springing off his backasthebuI·lfell prostrate un~értheblmV', lnaclehis oheisance to the spec..tators, and exit from the qrena. This grand fil/tale of the contest wasaltogether scarcely the work of five seconds.An instance of its kincl,how rnuchimportant matterin the wayof fate, fortune, and warfare,may he compressed within a short period of time; and how speedy1\laybe thetermillation, and unlooked-for the issue, of agame playedônwitll,actl!JUt.onè mO'l'e from check·mate~-Aprii 10, 1814.It wasc~lrioustoobservethe caltnness ancl inflexible placiclityofeountenance,so retnarkably characteristicof. his natiotlw,and race; ·ofthe young Peruvian.Not the smaHest appearance of emotion pervadeclit.from tirst to last.An unalteredsmile, ancl an inflexible seat, were preservedHewas a tall thin young man of dark complexion,nearly black; anclround facecl.'rhekingof Spain has his choice of palaces, and the world an amplefundofdescriptionsoftheln. 'rheroyal family reside as little as pos-·sibleat Maârif,·and,· to he seen, must be followeâ to the Sitios. Thesystem acteq ~pon in this respect is çonsidered rathel' as the effect of·âV~fs.ilOninllhi:e K oJl;einstance, lihan pa1"tieù~a1" predilection in aoy other.Yet. his majesty's~nmitigat~d.pàssio~ for the chase is su fficien t, simply,to accountfor the routineofroYKalestablishment ancl life; ,vhich howeveri~.unfortunate for aU parties, as the res'idence of a court hereseems tbe ouly ehanceofthat clueexpencliture, and consequent circulation,which could give sorne life to the civic body.02

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