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DEPTIl OP SOIL.-ATJIAS, ETC. 49'This tractaf soi'l is proved by the banks of the rivers,or rather by tbevaIl~ysthrough which they run, to be ofgreat depth ; and the inclinationof the plain which it forms, clips considerably westward.. Sueh is thecase northward to the latitude of Salee. A considerable deviationfrom this degree of i;nclination is perceived ful'ther ta the north; andthis is demonstrable bythe.waters, the rivers winding in more numerousandbolder sweeps, and the elemente:xtending into lakesove1'the plane. This takes place more particularly towards the coast, wherethe impl:1lse of the oceal1has formed an embankment to cause this returnofthe water. Thecounteracting level, or inclination, has thus con­$tituted,whatsome wauJd he rathe1' surprised to flnd here, a humidtract. Fratsever;y appearanee, theR, thecauntry in the latitade ofFezwestward 10 thecaast, jud~ing;bythemeandering of tlle rivers mnchmore tllan by theeye, is nearJ;y.a water.level ta the foet af MarIlltAtlas, one .'Qf... whose limbs isprotruded ta the Straits, while his mainbody follows nearIy the outline of the coast of the Mediterranean, tOhis utmost terminationat the Falls of the NiJe. The western shore ofthis tract is in its northern ,part,a5 for instance at Salee, boldo This lSthe tract of second inclinatian already described. Southward, theffif:>stinclinedofthe tbree plains has itsshare cansistently merging easilyit1}ito the le~~el of the ocean: hence the tower of Mogodorls the ohiefcOnslJiouous .objeot O'r:1 'thé coast. There isa great in-set of the oceanou aIl thiswe8'tern caast,as ihasbeen toofatally known to many. Thisis the return J@fthewateJlsseeking their level fPOI1l the operation oftherade winds; anddu.fing allsummer a systematie influ'x of atmosphereprevails fpo,mthe Horth downthis coa8t, to sU'pply thedeficiency ofequilibrium caused Jby rarefaction at the etIuator. Such are the unif01'111law8 wl1el~eon tJa;ture acts. In conseqùence of the in-set of theocean and prevalenceo:f westerly winds during the win ter BeRson, withV DL. II.II

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