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,THE SUfliTAN S. PAliAOE ANi> IT~ GARDENS. ~83By the Sultan's particular invitation, the British gentlemen weretaken outto see the palace and its gardens; the jdea of which wasdoubly gratifying, as licensing the hope ofobtaining matter of observationexternally,\ina;dditiop. to the interestbotanical objects, collectedallunder a ready inspection, in such a climate and situation, mustexcite. But court intrigues will descend to the lowest minutiœ, whenthe purpose is to defeat wb~t is .wèll intendéd; and thùs it happened inthe present case.For, by a happy arra,ngement, it was most successfullycontrived that nothing but white walls and yellow sands shouldbe seen.Other occasions offered, whereby it was ascertained that thein ail these matters of more serious obse,rvation !-..-Now, however, to proceed to our resource il!the poets,-and first taking die dominion. of Jarbas we Jind" .••• Gretulreurbes, genus insuperabile hello,•••• NUlpidre infrreni ......Iatè·furentesBarcrei . .. . . '.' . . • . . . . . . • . . . .. . . .'. . ;. .Massyli equites," &c.lIerethe observationmay he admitted, that the elephantëhunting of Gretulip. may he considered as. indicatory of morerecent or scanty population; for.both what wesee and judge tell us, that theseanimaIs, wherever found, were the first objects of the chase. The horse was subjugated ail overtheworld, and availedof for the chase before the use of the bridlewas discovered. This the ancientmonumentsof India proye to us. But. how correctly descriptive, how precisely choseIl, areaIl thepoet'sepithets ! Every word conveys the distillguishillg ch.aracteristic; geographicaI relationsarehardly to he regretted, where such accuracy of uloraI supplie~ the place. Thus Of Juba'g~m:inion :" •••••••••• Non fusior ulliTerra fuit"do~in~,quasûnt longissim~ regnaCardine. ah Occiduo vicinus.Gadibus AtlasTe~inat; a~edio~~nfinis Syrtibus Ammon.At qua lata jacetvasti plaga fervida regniDistinetôcéatittrtt;Z'ôtireque HtistacMentis,SufficiuntIiPa:~o,; Poptllitôtêastra sequuntnr;Al1tololéS; Nl1midœql1evagi:, '. sé'mperque patatusIncultoGretulus equo,tumconêolor IndoMaurus, inops' NAsAMON,mixtiGARAMANTE ,perusto,Marmaridmvolucres, '. requaturusque sagittasMedotum tremulumcum torsit; missile MAZAX;Et gens qum nudo residens Massylia dorso202

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