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PONT ST. ESP,DI,T, TABAS(JONS .PONT DU GARDE. 171with it iis relatives, t'rd!.B thé Alpsiothe Mediter.l'a~tl,ando1jservebOlv Nature is throughoùt bound together by the tieof-.consistency~On the left of the road, among thehills t is acastle ofthemiddle ages,of the largest>.a:1e,tlnddf. astnlCture weil worthy ·of investigâtion.'V~US dest~tu.beo~!~~ilia.g~;tbsoften, or water to refiect them, cannotP()S$.ss'tftere~n~lnl~fltYQfth~'merit·of. the picturesque. Through tliesetractstfîe fbliag~. is.af.fyet de:ciduous, QU t be!gins to blL blendedwithevergreenoak.The under,tood is;box,. with sorne juniper; theworstôftestsofsoil, in the wastes. Olivesnolv tnake theirdingy a:p.oftwenty-two arches, 18.nowgallripe:doverbut thé prospeçtsfromit merit a gràveTpro~:oedure. This consideration, howevCl:, enters .butlittleintO' the cOJÏtem~platiori~ of a French postillion. 'rhe present bridge is judiciously for.tifi'ed, by asalient angle to rneetthe eurrent. St. Esprit is a picturesqueold town. Here the people of these parts say is a sensible. difference inpoint of c1imate, in regard to generality, l'rom the northern world. Per..llaps the term permanent wouJd be more correct. The cypress is athome here•. Beautiful cultivation, sorne planting, and irrigating con·ducted scientificalJy.Page 27.--TARASCON. This ceremony evidently relates to the" de.struetion of super·stition." We may gratulate mankind accordingly.Same page.-" Le Pont du Garde too."-Tbis wonderful specimen ofthe powers and conception~ of ancient days proves its su blimity in theinadequat~ image it leaves upon the mind. Returning to view it al'tera lapse of years, the imagination find~ that the reality far exceeds theconception it had been able to take of it, and it is viewed ariew ,,:ithequal wonder as at first: also, assuredlY with equal confidence that itwill not faIl on the specta"tor's head, and the~'efore with sentim~ntsz 2

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