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-SPANISH IGNottANCE AND SUPERSTITION. 89:its'\visdo1l'llut'be measure, meaus, iti8 evident, to deliver the sentimentsor the community on the occasion. They appear to have been modifiedin the most estimable way rOI' neighbours and snbjects. Flowdifferent theattachment to literature of their day, and the horror at it inthe presemt! The phrase 18 no hyperbole. A~book, not expressedly~eligi0us" exdtes inthelnincis'(jfiscf!>'M:e'}(?);Wer Spaniarc1s, horror. By theit'expression, by their words and eyes, it seemsas ifi a person Wh0h.>okediuto one, for any other purpose, stood a convicted heretic, or dealt inthe blackart.With ignorance superstition reigns conjointlyaU overthe world.They are twin dremons, and aIl powerful while their daylàsts.Due honour, on the otber hand, has been uhimately yielded. toOervantes by the upper classes; and El Quixote lS now appretiated acoordiugtoits l'nerit, at borne. An Englishman who cannot estimate itsbeauties as fiey deserve, would. be, if a ro,reigner, equally blind to tlH;>seGr Shakspeare. Still, who can JOl'get the pathetic expression,~, POl' no verme delante de tùs puertas muerto, (Madrid)y 0 de mi patria, y de mi mismo salgo."III plain English, the immortal poet 15house and home to .avoid starvation."constI'ained to say, " l'quitlndeed )ails, bolts, and grilledwindow~,famine and bardship, seern to enhance the acumen of the}loet's fancy. Probably, had Cervantes been in easier cil1cmnstancesbewould hay~wrlften Jess. Thus we se~ in education, which.isartificialta.lent, a resou~ee to man undetall the evils which affiict him, and how,in ilnparting it, we apply théoI'l'lYTealaUeviation to them, tbat is withinour reach~ Literature has muchmore power, and i8 much more applicableon sùch occasions, than Stoicislp.\ 'G UADALAXAltA i8 an, active,. populous, busy, and in~proving town.~rhe ,manufacture, so wellknown, of c1oth,Îscarried on with .a vivacityN

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