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20 T<strong>RAV</strong>ELS IN AFRICA.'râvans going t() Morocco crossed us on to..day's route, and ~iXel'tftSiiderableArabcamps were in sight.·The European travellers on such occasions as the present are mountedon the horses of the Boldiery; and theworst usually, by some fatality,faU to their lot: that isto say, thecasualty takes place thus, when theirbacks are turned to 'Morocco. On the route from Mogodor to that city,each retained the horse whereon he set out; but on the'pre~nt occasion,the alcaid, who governs aH, directed a different arrangement, andeach soldier gives up his horsein turn roI' the day.:·Œbis:llfê·(fôeswitfia hearty curse on theCaffrewhocausesit, although paid, or promis.eftto be paid, at the journèy's end.of the heterodox.Any change is rarely for the benefitIt 'w'ould he adviseable for such persons a8mayhereafter have these routes to perform, tomake due stipulations uponthis point.The country travelled through, this' day, after light I:>roke,lS uncultiv~ted and parched, until approaching the 'place of eveninghaIt, where, on the hills, tillage appears. At this timeof theyearthenatural herbage lS already DOW burnt off such arid uplands j but theymust be coveredduring the carly seasonwith an abundant verdure.Whatwould the returns of this country he,did a jndicious system ofagriculture step in, to supply by human exertion green food in the destltuteperiod of the year, which is rrom this time (J une) until November!Every dimate must have its season ofwant, although these duly vary:and then, without the aid of man, animal creation suffers.His objectis to bring the seasons, as mllch a~ in him lies, to an equilil:>riumofsnstenaneefot whathe has under his care.In most clitl1ates Nature al..]ows little more than the reinstatement, during the plentifulseason, ofwhat the vital forces and powers lostduring the pinching part of theyear.; Hel' object has be~n to beadequate-to maintain the due ba...lance. If man would haveabundance,revelin sup~rfluity,lle lllust

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