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VOYAGES AND T<strong>RAV</strong>EI,S.LETTERS f'rom the MEDTTERRANEi\N, containing a civlI and politiraIAccount of SICILY, TRII'OLY, TUNI5, and M A1.TA, with Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, ancl Observationsillnstrative of the present state of those countries, and their relative ûtn~tion \Vith respect.to the Britishempire. Br EDWARD RLAQUIEHE, Esq R. N. In .2 large vols. 8vo. with Maps Priee 28s.Mr Blaquiere has produced an interesting and considerahly importalH work, which i. not nle'rely credilab,o to his talents,lIut his integrity, and from which His Majesty's Government mil] acquire a great deal uf usefulll1formation-Eciec. Rw.Mr. BI:,,]uiere ha. given a more minute. full,. and entertaù1Ïng picture of tlle,;e coulltrÎes than any of his competitors.Edinb. Rev. No. 4$,T<strong>RAV</strong>ELS in the CAUCASU~ and GEORGIA, performed by c()mmand ofthe Prussian Governrnent. By JULI USVON KLAPROTH, Member of the Imperial Acaùemy of Sciences alSt. PetersIJUrgh,&c. 4to. Priee 21. .2i'. boards. . '• M. Klaproth i. entitled to the most unqualified praisc for his exertions, and for the important information wh/ch h~ hascollected; and \\ e promise those who may bc iuclined to peruse this worJ.,::, that they wiU be rewarded by much amusemeutand instructioll.-North Bri!. Rel~. ltlo. 2.The result of M. Klaproth's labours is a volume contaitüng a very considerable stock of new information.lV/nnthly Neview, October.T<strong>RAV</strong>ELS in the J\-fOREA, ALBANIA, and otherPartsoî the OTTOM.t\.,NEMPIRE. By F. C. POUQUEVILLE, M. D. Member of the Commission of Arts and Sciences, and FrenchConsul at Joannina. \Vith Engravings of Scenery and Costume, 2l. 2s. bŒards.Dr. Pouqueville's volume on thc Morea, beingcollected by Mmself during a long residence in the country. and being theIast account w!Ïttell on the subject, is deserving of every attemion,-Ho/J/wllse's 'Imvels, page 218., Dr. Pouqueville, the French Consul at Joallnina, the capital of Albania, 1,,'1s collected much curious information concerningthe l\lorea. His account of the Albanese gives U& our1irst knowledge of a people whom the genius. of Ali Pacha hasraised to a level with the greatest n;ttions on the Continent.-Douglas on the }khdern Greeks.The SECOND and last VOLUME of the VOYAGES and T<strong>RAV</strong>ELS ofG.VON LANGSDORFF, Aulic Counsellor to His Majesty the Emperol' of Russia, and çonsul-Gèneral at theBrazils. COliltaining the account of his Voyage to the Aleulian Islands and North.West Coast of America,and Return by Ladd over the North-East Parts of Asia, through Siberia to Petersburgh, a route never beforeperformed. Illustrated with a Map, and several Engravings. Priee Il. J7s. 6d. ,boards.We think this sccond part ofI_angsdorff's Travels the most eutertaining portion of the whole. le abounds inlively picturesand natural scenes and modes of life, of a very wild, striking, and romantic character; sorne accessions, too, are supplied to.natural history.-Ecle

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