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STATE OF T'UE CLERGY.13twhere appears a consciousness of an impendent rod, of a certain powerto which ,deference must be paid*. Manners very essentià]ly openmen's eyes to things.If clergy can be insolent, it proves certainly thatthey possessa great dea] of power, even although the abuse exercisedby an occasÎotlal individual be no further a reflection on the body atlarge,thanthat it contains an unworthyrlllemher. When a numberofpersons who have made their appearance 'atcourt, diplomatists andothers, on retiring through the alleys and cloisters of the Escurial,(" What a place," will be perhaps exclaimed, "for a court!") and ac"cidentalJy touching the consecrated ground, are assailed by the obstre...perons cry of " Cavalleros !--Sornbreros!" froma rude ecclesiastic; itsnowsatleast that clerical dicta are next to aU;.-powerf:ul here below.In other conntries a polite hint wouid have been given, and have batlaIl theeffect. "Vhat then must be the restl1t of al1ming a body, thusestablished here, with the power of iuquiry more formidable in its ex,­tent thanthat of condemnation itself!Itscondemnations have beenrare,and for ·crimes few a,e tempted to in the present day (magic forinstance). But its power of questioning extends over aIl. U nder sud},a circumstance,how can the country.evel' be able to calI in literature toher assistance? Nothingshol't of the absolute abolition of this tribu..naicanset the public mind free in its exertion for the generalgood. lnfact,aJthough modern mmUlers have stripped the Inquisition of horrors,ît stillendéaivoufs to maintain glry. 'Ble throne is at Seville; but theinfluence pervadest~e w'h:ore kiflgdgm, as~itfless its business at Bar..celona. S(i)[uepersons.may su.ppose;, when they read ofthe horrid proceedingsof this bod'Jat the tir~le it was aHowedl full .scope to its teethand daws" that it was viewed with equai horror here; that the nation7< For somewhat more on the subjcct of Spallish literature sec Appendix.S 2

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