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T<strong>RAV</strong>ELS IN AFRICA.out too loud]y and immediately in favour of the ties of society; thekindIiest intercou'rse and strongest liaisons instjlntly lake place,forgiveness and oblivion to aH past wrongs.are sent hereupon from the north to the south,âhdFor ,thisrêasonmutual retaliatiuns and thehroodings of revengè êdmé'in aidexecution of the ordinances of state.versii, wfiet€~bVAnd if the'\vork 'benot pel'·formed con amore, it is done to equally powerful effect*.too of Ishmael's recited poliey is yet extantin tnell'fdeess.- Sueh are the different nations, or rather races;!whichfoccupyvast weIl situated genial and fertile country, teemingwith proand life, and possèssing every climate (an epitome of nature,within itself, the Brebers not included yet in the account.1stances considered, the lines of demarcation in mankind, moralphysical, are very definite.The greatest intermixture is thatNegro with the1\tloor, which has produce(\ mulatos~~eztizos,qlJart~rons~and aIl the shades of demarcation-gradationisarlinvidious term~rrhe blaék dye is preferred for the harems; But théltamilies oftwdofthesons of Noah at least, however met here, are perfectlYdistingUishable.Mount Atlas, the companion ofour route, continueshere at 1\1:oroccothe most interesting object of our eyes. His nebulous region is llO\V, ,du.ring the SUIllmer solstice, From sun-seta blaze of lightrling and ele~étlrfélf;litRuid.The respectable and veridical Doctor8'haw,. it ismore obvious, has must unintentionallydiffused very erroneothe subject of this chain of mountains.The highest'peakseast of this place, where it appears by the mapsto. fonn all,;,a.lg1e.}'rom the manner in which it advanceson the eye,>itis hardly Pd:SS~iJb'lè... Chenier gives a list of the tribes, nominalIy. The number or males paying c~pitand. of cqurse of thè age of fifteen and upwards, in the plain df Fe~fis calculatcd at til,eth~>usand; in the plain of Morocco, at one hUJ.ldred. thousand: a llopulati6ô-t \Î'0millions at lcast, evlisions included. . '

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