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ADDITIONALNOTES.IlTij,ANSL.ATION.-Vol. i. page71.line 11.}- .... In theyear16:57, thel1ll~lSt re~;erend.g(JneraIofthe congregation ofSan Benito ofSpain, Don Francisco Diego de 2il.Ya)~v~QAw"slil..fter­Wiards bishopof Astorga, beingat.themoll@,S'tery \9fMontserra~, aQc~~lPanjelli (by "'ariousother respectable ;persons, a femalechild of the age DI. fi~.eorsil\.y:ears çamethitheI:,under the care ofl1erl1llotbe17,a widow, alld toldtibeabbotthat she ;Qanle Dnthebusiness of her father, who was in purgatory, to request that three masses, which heowed to the aItar of the Boly Vir~in, might bèsaid iIil order fOl" his liberation (rom thepains he then sufiered. The abbot CotllmUllicated this extraordinary appliCli\.tioll tothe xight lre.ve1:end general, ,wbo,induced .by an impul.se :of«d.e.v.otioll, commanded ,thatthethree massesshould be immediately sung, he .h4nself joinin,g in them.. "AU the"~mrnunity ofreligio\IS of the O1onasteryassembled in.the presbytery,.and the mostrevel·oo.d ;general placed the childclosebybim. llethen, .dut:ing tbeco:urseof t11efust .01ass, asked her if she sawber father: to wllich she .replied, thatshedid,alldJ»Ointed ont that he was at the side.of theepistole close to the steps of HIe altar, ~dthat he was aH ina blaze offire. On hearing this, .the ,generalbandkeoohief,:aud ga~e it tothe.infaut,say.Ïl\g, "S,in!;~.,:.then, goyour father ,is,and kindle this." ThechiLd went,{forshealone saw it,) and hardly hadshe reached the spot where her father was, with the handkerchie(, when il began tohlaze in fiames visible to aU the spectatOl·s. An were a~tonished with thisprodigy,whicb so clearly p}'oved the truth of the child'sstory. Whellt~ first ,UIaSS wastinish.ed,thegeneralordered th~t tlle other two should he also SU1115, thewhole religiouscornmunityjoining with the utInost devotiou andsa,tisfaction. At the time of:theco:U8ecmtion ,in the secondmass, the generalaskedthe child Where .her fatherthen was? if l'he sawhi01? and how.he was ciad ?-.1:0. which she replied, .TlIat shesaw hi01, that he was near the altar close by the deacon, pointÎlJg to the .place, andthat no fire was about him, but that he was clad in a dress most beautiful of colom:.The se~~nd ruàss b6ing finished, the third was begun with the samesolemnity;...and atthe due iime the general again asked hertbe samequestion as before; and she Fe:­plied, that her father had passed to the side of the Evangelist, th~t he was clad inwhite, and·· very cheerful, by the side of the officiating priest. The mass still pro-

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