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,SECOND JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE IN 1814.a wlJole-the general pervasion of an imprêssion~Thusitis, from thespirit of enterpri~e down to such paltry impulses as pride an~ vanity.AIl these in individual breasts lead to confusion or rupture in the state.But let these sentiments be applied nationally, and Hwy constitute thestrength of the commonwealth. Monarchy seems to haveproduc~clthis effect in France. National pride may be both dated andderivedfrom it; and Louis XIV. brought it to itsc1imax.!thas relnain~dthrough aIl those convulsions which s4bverted every tbing.else,and islikely to remain to saVe the nation fr()J'lawllateverrwin me'tl/~IC?e.sIt is difficult to bring thosewho feel no national sentimelltin thei~/O"''ll minds, orwho view the country of which they eat the breadwithcontempt or hatred, fear or malignity, ta ascribe anytruthor ettc~ctthis sentiment of national 10\'e: but sach persqns wiU he freqQentl.Yout in thcir calculations ofjudging qf others by themselves. And ho\voften is man thus mistakenl 'for, in faet, what other cnte/l'LOPto judge by? what scale or sounding line is he to Il;leal:lUre otherssave his own?l'rance, as observed, owes itsconsolidation toc tbe llCfl~Sein this way, by the nationality which the ambition of Loui~'XIV.in;.8pired and diffused.Flow different the conduct of the Bourbon dyna8tyin l'rance and in Spain.l and the effects have cbeenprecisely accordingly.l.et a J:'renchman he what he will, or where he win, Franceis the object of his heart; and much erroneousjudgementarises fn)mthe disposition to think of him otherwise, or that he çan be~nythingbutwhat he i5 in .this respect.J:'rance was once frittered into subdivisions,as Spain still lS, and distracted hylqça.1 Ïllterçstsand eonte~dingpo]i.tics; but the lustre of the reignpublic mind, enabling it 10 bear aIltuting one grç.at bond ofptlblic .:S(;:ll"ljJl.lll~~yL.a nationality to theandultimately consti-:-

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