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A DDITIONALNOTES.Abdalla13cll T01l1rut, ~md his œra 514 of the Hcgita. He wàs produced and nUl'se~in the grand hot-bed of fanaticism, Segelmessa, and eIaimeda descent from the hO~1family by Hussain thé son of Ali, by the eldestdaughter of Mohommed, Fathem'tt,Of coûrse he was of the Shiite or heretic side. This is denorninated, by itself especially,a Fathemite dynasty; but the daim here to ~any relationshlp withthe hol,family i8 universaHy considered spurious and false. Ebn Tomrut, ;'l'ho now shoneout in the worId at the head of this sect, broke upon it from his retirement at· AO'lmà.1:o ~a place atld district represented as possessing a most delightfal dimate in the skirtsof l\fount Atlas. The l~th Imaun, the ~Iohommedansare told, who is toput t~mexaetly in the ttue right ,,-ay, (theyarc near it, neater than any others, but yet notex­.âètlyalighted lipon if,) is yet tn he: alld this perinnage, Ebn Tomrut,. assttt'edthêm,.and perhaps thôtIght hirnself, he was. This Mohommed Abdallnoluliàn Ben Tomrut,thus by this daim founded a dynasty of hetoes, whbdtove the world before them for: à eênfury and a half. fte hims~lf sttbverted the Marabou Moravedi dynasty in theperson of Tenefin Ben Ali Ben Hussuf Ben Texafin, about the year of the Regira.539, besieging and taking Moroero, .and putting that sultan to dèath, A.'C. 114().This 1Vfoiadi is occasionaUy called OMidallah,,;for 1fiê sÎlke ofconfusion. Little timè'\vas lost by this dymisty in pûtsuÎllg thêî'r ôbject~, the Moravedi, ioto the Peninsalâ,~xpelling them thence, as they (l\tol'avedi) rra:d done the Ommiades ! Butthis 'Vagd'one hy Jacob Ben Joseph, jtIstly el1titted Ah.1iânzôr, the gtabds0fl ofAbdal'moumafi,A..C.1194.The holyfmJzily qfMecca.-All these gloriôtisex~ôits were performed:, as isseen,,uhdér a forged claÎrn. The Fathemites werè the o11ly l'cal descendants bf tliePi'~fJ'îret;and in a creed where genea1gy 18 every thing, theyatê hèterbdôXif .. ·· ".Flle office ofImaurî, the poiitilîêate of Mecca, helongsèxcfnsively tothem; and the twelfth Iman!'lls yet to be, as above stated. This appears to have been a main moral principle ofs~ruggle withthe people of tbis creed_,Thc Abassid~sclaimeditby ascentfrotn theprophèt. AlI the Haschem house of tne Coraisch tribe ls allo",'ed to]:>ai·tieipate insome degree in the sacred character. Yet Hassan and Hussein, the reaI inftleritbrll§,tü:e daily cursed.6M:1\IIAtÙ~S, Jiage

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