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PUBLIC M LI NG AT THE RITIOS. J13niaI conc1nding with the termination of the file.Speaking mere!" ofcircnmstances, and without q6\,pe smallest intent ofdisparagement ta persans,the life of the royal palace of this truly great nation is very likethat of animaIs in a menagerie, certainly not more intellectual.Theyare shawn, ,at meals ~,to such as come ta look at them. At other ti:}';;~?'t, " " " "',.. .". '. . " .each remaihs within a respective ceU. And this state of things pervadesover aIl the inmates of these vast buildings. The ladies of the court,highly respectable personages, several still of Irish desftmt,receive theityisitors each at the entrance of her apartment. Indeed .;~t besomewhat a point of etiquette here, that dnring this agreeable parleythe lady visited should hold the door in her hand, by way of a delicatehint ta the gentleman that he .cannat make his visit tao short; and itmay readHy bi conc1uded t~at, as the hanour of the thing alone undersuch acirenmstallce can be the indueement, prolixity is a matterhardlyto be apprehended. It maybe asked here, how people, permanent residents,pass their time, or if there are no resources amongst them ? In:mentioning the listless destitution in which the pOOl' gardes de corpsare left, perhaps thé nullity there assigned wonId be a less palpable defale.ion,than the substitute whieh, in point of strict eorrectness, itmaybe propel' ta insert.Here is aceess-'-free ta. them-to a theatre"where mèn,ha'f'bons, whose faces have been long vallaneed, aet the partsof women!! 1\s theatrical exhibitions cannat take place without light,and this blessing of life is here attaioable ta these gentlemen,free* This strange illfliction upon;rg.yaltydid more harm to the lamented Louis XVI. thall moreserious matters, 01' than thosecan imagine who were not iJ1"the way to observe occurrences nowbetter not recorqed. How often.do people avail themselves of the sUfljrior powers of pmate life toarder even their domestic servants out of the room! These are no times 101 indivlduals to hejeetto indiscriminate eriticism then; to the wanton and emulous malignity of mankil1d. The office off:cuyer tranchant, and itscollateral conferences of dignit};;, being uow.ohsolete, why ldhere to theinutile ligm,m, whieh produced no fruit save contempt?

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