The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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three classes of Dwemer centurions: the → centurion spider, the → centurion sphere, and the →steam centurion. <strong>The</strong>se devices are rarely encountered outside of ancient → Dwemer ruins.Dwemer GhostDwarven ghosts are encountered in the ancient abandoned → Dwemer ruins. <strong>The</strong>y are aggressiveand dangerous, but → ectoplasm, a filmy residue that remains after the revenant spirit of a →Dwemer has been banished from the mortal plane, is a rare, valuable substance with modestmagical properties. Normal weapons do not harm them; only enchanted or → silver weapons ordeadly → spells affect them.Dwemer Language<strong>The</strong> Dwemer language is largely untranslatable, though the alphabet is known, and shortinscriptions can be deciphered, usually from context clues. Fortunately, many → Dwemerdocuments were written in → Aldmeris, which is very close to modern Elven languages, makingthem accessible to modern scholars. However, even in Aldmeris, many Dwemer terms remainuncertain.Dwemer Puzzle BoxA little → Dwemer cube, about the size of a fist. It is made of a coppery metal, with a circulardesign and symbols on one side and some lined marks on the other sides. <strong>The</strong> inscriptions on thebox are directions for setting a Dwemer key to open a specific lock.Dwemer RuinsDwemer Ghost<strong>The</strong> ruins of the lost → Dwemer → race are found everywhere in Tamriel, but are most commonin → Morrowind, once the native land of the Dwemer. <strong>The</strong> two largest are → Mzuleft and →Nchuleftingth. Mzuleft is in the → Sheogorad region, and access is forbidden. Nchuleftingth isoccupied by an expedition of the <strong>Imperial</strong> Archaeological Commission, and is not open to visitors.Lit.: Guylaine's Architecture (TEST I 2 : 418).→ Table 6.Do the old places of the Deep Elves interest you? <strong>The</strong> places that look like they're made of a golden metal? Withspires and towers? Those are Dwarven ruins. <strong>The</strong>y're kinda dangerous −− partly because of the old Dwarvenmachines in them, and partly because of the kind of things that like to hide out in such old ruins. All the old ruinsinside the → Ghostfence, for example, are ancient Dwarven ruins. You should go see → Nchuleft orNchuleftingth. <strong>The</strong> places are very old, and you can still go down inside. <strong>The</strong> walls still glow with strange lights,and terrible things walk and squeal in the passages. <strong>The</strong>y are bad places, and very dangerous, but filled withwonders.Dwemer SitesSee → Dwemer Ruins.71

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