The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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ThievesThievesThieves are pickpockets and pilferers. Unlike robbers, who kill and loot, thieves typically choose→ stealth and subterfuge over violence, and often entertain romantic notions of their charm andcleverness in their acquisitive activities. You want to talk shop with a thief, go talk to FenasMadach. He has a business up in → Gnisis, Madach's Tradehouse.Always study your target, and take a good inventory of what he has before attempting to steal anything. If he hashis eye on that shiny → silver → claymore, he won't notice you pocketing a few tarnished → throwing stars. →Alchemists are easy targets for inexperienced thieves. <strong>The</strong>y have far too many → ingredients for them to keep aneye on all of them all of the time. If possible, always take a single item at a time. It increases the risk, but it'sexcellent practice. → Merchants know their own inventories far better than you do. Practice stealing andpickpocketing by taking cheap things from small merchants. You can't be a successful thief if you always stealfrom the same merchant, or even stay in the same town. After you've picked them clean, explore somewhere elseto give them a chance to restock. Never attempt to trick them into buying something you stole from them. Don't goafter the big stuff until you're experienced. <strong>The</strong> elite of → Morrowind may not have all the armor and equipmentyou need as an adventurer. But don't overlook precious stones or fine jewelry and clothing; to the right merchantthose items can be worth more and be more easy to carry than some heavy iron armor."I'm a thief. I was born to be a thief. I love to sneak around in rich people's houses, and liberatetheir possessions. I enjoy puzzling out the → security provisions on doors and chests, thrilling tothe challenge and suspense of picking locks and disarming traps. And I've always had an interest in→ <strong>Imperial</strong> → Law −− property rights, criminal justice, bribes and graft. I can sell you the tools ofthe trade −− the → lockpick and → probe. I can train you to be a better thief yourself, but youmust make a generous contribution to my retirement fund."Thieves GuildIn the rest of the → Empire, the Thieves Guild is a more−or−less organized group of local criminalsyndicates governing illegal trade in their communities. <strong>The</strong>y're like any trade guild, anorganization of professionals, except the professionals are → thieves and robbers and pickpocketsand smugglers and other enterprising operators. Here in → Morrowind, the Thieves Guild is thenewcomer. <strong>The</strong> established local crime lords are called the → Camonna Tong. <strong>The</strong> Thieves Guilddoesn't advertise, partly because to avoid the → law, and partly to avoid the Camonna Tong, whohave sworn to destroy the upstart Thieves Guild. <strong>The</strong> Thieves Guild doesn't have public guildhalls, but they do tend to gather at a single location −− usually a cornerclub or tradehouse −− inlarger towns. Look for guild operatives in → Balmora, → Ald'ruhn, → Sadrith Mora, and the →Foreign Quarter of → Vivec. In Balmora, Sugar Lips Habasi at the → South Wall is the localGuild Boss.Lit.: Honor Among Thieves (TEST I 2 : 431).If you need to meet a guy, you want to look in at the South Wall, cornerclub, south of the river. Talk around; ifthey like your looks, they'll open up. But be careful. <strong>The</strong> → Council Club, also on the south side, is CamonnaTong territory, the local mob. <strong>The</strong>y don't like → outlanders, except under building foundations.ThirskA → mead hall to the east of → Lake Fjalding, built by a group of → Skaal who split from the203

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