The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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LawLaw→ Morrowind is governed under → <strong>Imperial</strong> Law, and under the law and customs of the →Dunmer → Great Houses. Conflicts of <strong>Imperial</strong> and Great House Law are governed under theTreaty of the Armistice, which reserves most local government functions to the Dunmer GreatHouse councils. Local Magistrates judge cases and determine sentences; local → guards executethe judgements of the Magistrates and enforce the laws. Verbal assault, pickpocketing, andtrespassing are malfeasances, punishable by → fines and compensation of less than 100 drakes, orby punitive labor. <strong>The</strong>ft and foul murder are felonies. <strong>The</strong>ft is punishable by fines andcompensation proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by punitive labor. Foul murder ispunishable by fines and compensation of at least 1000 drakes, or by punitive labor. Treason is amost serious crime, punished by death. Noble House Dunmer have right of appeal to the HouseCouncils; <strong>Imperial</strong> citizens have right of appeal to the King of Morrowind and his Dukes. Byancient House custom, offended House → nobles appealing to House councils may refuse toaccept compensation and may demand death for many crimes.Do you know what the → Legion does with the stolen goods they take off their prisoners? <strong>The</strong>y stick them inevidence chests, right there in the → forts.Lay HealersLay healers gather → ingredients for → health and healing → potions, and minister to the sick andhurt in poor and isolated communities. It is difficult and sometimes dangerous work, but thespiritual rewards are great. If you are interested, speak to Synnolian Tunifus at the <strong>Imperial</strong>Chapels in → Ebonheart.Lay ServantLay servants serve the → <strong>Imperial</strong> cult by doing various tasks. Not a lot of excitement, but safe,honorable, and rewarding. First you have to join the <strong>Imperial</strong> cult, then go to the <strong>Imperial</strong> Chapelsin → Ebonheart to get work. See Synnolian Tunifus to become a → lay healer. See Iulus Truptorto become an almoner −− a fund raiser. See Kaye to become a → shrine sergeant −− they do themore dangerous jobs.LeggeA cave southwest of the → Skaal village, right where → Harstrad and → Isild River meet.LegionSee → <strong>Imperial</strong> Legion.Lesser Saints<strong>The</strong> lesser → saints of the → Temple are: → Saint Felms the Bold −− Butchers, Fishmongers, →Saint Llothis the Pious −− Tailors, Dyers, → Saint Meris the Peacemaker −− → Farmers,Laborers, → Saint Roris the Martyr −− Furnishers and → Caravaners, → Saint Aralor the Penitent124

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