The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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Nix−houndNix−hound<strong>The</strong> nix−hound is a medium−sized, aggressive pack predator. <strong>The</strong> meat of the nix−hound is sweetand tender, and has modest magical properties.Noble"I am a noble, elevated by birth and distinction to the highest ranks of <strong>Imperial</strong> society. I do nothave a trade, as such, though I may dabble in various affairs, collecting rare treasures of beautyand refinement. And if such things are valuable, there's no harm in it. My lofty station is notwithout responsibilities, of course. I must serve at the command of the Emperor and the Councils,giving counsel and support, and, when duty calls, taking → spell and sword to protect thesmallfolk of the → Empire."House Hlaalu"I am a noble of → Great House → Hlaalu. It is my privilege and pleasure to serve my house andclan as a leader and protector of its ancient prerogatives. In the grand → mercantile traditions ofHouse Hlaalu, I am a → merchant prince. I concern myself with the wealth and influence of ourhouse, and strive to bring profit and wealth to myself, my retainers, and my humble clients andkinsmen. I serve at the pleasure of the Clan and Council, providing such public works and servicesas befits my station."House Redoran"I am a noble of Great House → Redoran. It is my grave duty and honor to serve my house andclan as a leader and protector of its ancient rights. In the ancient martial traditions of HouseRedoran, I am a → knight and champion of the clan. I concern myself with the welfare andinfluence of our house, and strive to bring honor and glory to myself, my retainers, and my humblekinsmen. I serve at the pleasure of the Clan and → Temple, providing such public works andservices as befits my station."Lit.: <strong>The</strong> True Noble's Code (TEST I 2 : 1128).House Telvanni"I am a noble of Great House → Telvanni. I rule my lands and kinsmen by superior right of wit,will, wealth, and wisdom. In the ancient arcane traditions of House → Telvanni, I am a wizard,skilled in all the crafts of war and rulership. By my own craft and dominion, I bring prosperity andpower to my tower, honor to my house, and security to my kinsmen and retainers. So long as nonedare challenge my sorcerous mastery, I thereby insure the → health, wealth, and security of myhouse and its people."Nord<strong>The</strong> Nords of → Skyrim are a tall and fair−haired people, aggressive and fearless in war,industrious and enterprising in trade and exploration. Skilled sailors, they can be found in seaportsand settlements along all the coasts and rivers of Tamriel. Strong, stubborn, and hardy, they arefamous for their resistance to cold, even magical frost. Violence is an accepted and comfortable148

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