The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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HumansHumans<strong>The</strong> human → races are short−lived, socially aggressive humanoids, shorter than Elves and moretechnologically advanced than the Beastfolk. Warlike human cultures have subjugated their Elvenand Beastfolk neighbors and synthesized their arts, literature, magick, technology, and theologyinto Tamriel's dominant culture −− the → Empire. Obsessed with progress and destiny, humancivilization constantly reinvents itself from materials plundered from conquered cultures andre−shaped by human myths and dreams.Lit.: <strong>The</strong> Annotated Anuad (TEST I 2 : 898).Hunger<strong>The</strong> hunger is one of the many voracious servants of the → Daedra Lord Boethiah.HunterHunters range across the → ashlands and wastes, hunting for meat and hides. If you're interested inthe hunter's craft, you should talk to Gudling the Rascal. He has taken up residence at St. Veloth'sHostel in → Molag Mar.No one will ever grow rich hunting. But it is a pure pleasure for itself. Take your time. Sneak up on your prey.Surprise it with a swift, silent arrow. <strong>The</strong>re is no greater pleasure than to drop a → cliff racer with a single arrow.Hunter's GameAccording to legend, it varies from era to era. "Our Grandfathers' Grandfathers tell of a time whenthe Hunter and his Hounds preyed upon entire tribes of men. Taken to the Hunting Grounds, themen were hunted by the Hounds. <strong>The</strong> ones that died were the lucky−−the survivors faced theHunter himself. In another era, the Hunter took only a single man as his Prey. It is said if the Preycan last through the Bloodmoon, the Hunter returns to his demon realm for another era. We haveonly to await the Hunter's plan." See also → Bloodmoon Prophecy.Hypha FaciaHypha facia is a light brown shelf fungus collected from the trunks of trees in the → Bitter CoastRegion. Hypha Facia looks much like → Bungler's Bane and grows like a shelf on trees and otherthings. Hypha Facia is safe to eat.107

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