The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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PauperPauper"I am a pauper, one of the humble smallfolk. I make my way in the world as best I can, laboring inthe fields, kitchens, and factories of the Great House lords. When times are good, I live wellenough by my own work. When times are hard, I live by the grace and generosity of the clan, andby the charity and good works of the → Temple. I am no rude beggar; we are all educated in theTemple, free of charge, and it may be I can teach you something of → Morrowind lore."Pawnbroker"I am a pawnbroker. I buy your goods, giving you cash on the counter, and if, at a later date, youwish to recover your goods, you need only pay me what they are worth −− with a small profit, ofcourse, for my time and trouble. I also sell things, sometimes used and worn, sometimes almostnew, and all for a fraction of what they'd cost if purchased elsewhere."PeakstarPeakstar was an → Ashlander girl found washed ashore near → Ald Redaynia. She was raised bythe → Urshilaku, and many believed she was the Incarnate. Some Ashlanders believe that Peakstarwas a → false Incarnate and that she is dead. Others believe that she will soon return to fulfill therest of the prophecies. → Temple → warriors claim she was captured and imprisoned. No onereally knows what happened to her.Pearl<strong>The</strong>se smooth, round, lustrous beads are prized for ornamental purposes. <strong>The</strong> cave collop and othernative → Morrowind mollusks only occasionally produce pearls; their scarcity increases theirmarket value.PelagiadPelagiad is a newly charted → <strong>Imperial</strong> village between → Balmora and → Vivec City on thewestern edge of the → Ascadian Isles region. <strong>The</strong> village is right outside the → <strong>Imperial</strong> Legiongarrison at → Fort Pelagiad. <strong>The</strong> houses and shops are built in the Western <strong>Imperial</strong> style, andPelagiad looks more like a village in the western → Empire than a → Morrowind settlement.Mebestien Ence, the → Breton → trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a → High Elf, andfair → smith. Shadbak gra−Burbug is the smith at Fort Pelagiad. <strong>The</strong> → <strong>Imperial</strong> cult shrine is atFort Pelagiad, with a → healing altar, and Ygfa the → healer sells → cure potions. LadiaFlarugrius and Ahnassi are trainers; you can usually find them here at the Halfway Tavern. DrelasaRamothran is the → publican of the Halfway Tradehouse. And they say the → Thieves Guild hassome people in Pelagiad.PersonalityA creature's personality is its property of exciting the emotions of interest, trust, and loyalty inother creatures. For example, a creature with a powerful personality is more able to persuade andinfluence other creatures through speech, gesture, and demeanor.156

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